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Feeling the Momentum 

February 2014

Hi My Friend,

There’s a momentum building now that is feeling quite palpable to many people around the world. Momentum builds when change is about to happen.

If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered or emotionally charged than usual, know that it’s part of this wave of momentum.

A New State of Balance

The past 11-year cycle has been quite a roller coaster ride, filled with extremes of both highs and lows.

As we enter the next era of our personal and collective journey, we will have the opportunity to experience a more balanced existence. This kind of balanced existence will no longer need to be achieved through extreme measures, but rather through a more gentle, peaceful and refined way.

Humans have undergone millennia of conditioning, on both conscious and subconscious levels. During that time, we internalized the collective belief that in order to expand, grow, evolve, achieve balance and learn, some kind of extreme feeling or event had to be involved.

These extremes served as types of initiations for the mind, so that it could feel more accomplished and satisfied after overcoming them. It was simply learned behavior that the need for these extremes were passed down from one generation to the next.

As we move into higher consciousness however, we no longer have to create difficult initiations for ourselves in order to expand, grow and achieve a balanced state of being.

We’ve entered a new age where everything we’ve ever envisioned for ourselves and the world can unfold with ease.

Helping the Mind to Accept Peace and Ease

The mind may immediately go into resistance mode when it reads a statement like the above. However, that’s only because the mind has become accustomed to a certain way of experiencing itself in this reality.

We truly can create a more peaceful and desirable reality for ourselves and the world. The key to helping the mind be on board with that is to simply let it know that it’s not going to lose anything by aligning with a new shift in perspective—that it will gain and have so much more as a result of it.

The mind loves to use the patterns of doubt, worry and fear as forms of self-protection. So whenever a new perspective is presented to the mind, it has the tendency to go into protection mode.

Being gentle on the mind, and thanking it for trying to protect us, is a wonderful thing we can do to help it make this transition. This will dissolve the resistance we feel towards its reactions. It can then begin doing the same and releasing resistance towards us.

Once this kind of ‘friendship’ is achieved with the mind, the mind will slowly begin to get on board with ideas, insights and beliefs that it may have been wary of before.

The mind can then move into knowing that we truly can experience fulfillment of our greatest desires, without having to create hardship for ourselves first.

A Fresh Start

As we enter the next chapter of our lives, we have the opportunity to fine-tune our intentions and choices so that they align more with what we want to create.

It’s a time to start fresh, and to release the extra cargo we’ve been carrying around with us all these years.

There’s a lot of magic and energy in the air right now, so let’s make sure we are saying “YES” to the opportunities being presented to us as a result of this magic.

These opportunities can reveal themselves in areas of relationships, creative and business ventures, wellness, spiritual expansion and support. The way to know if an opportunity is in alignment with our vision is to simply check in with ourselves to see if it feels expansive and exciting.

Because 2014 is an action year, it will give us the opportunity to make great strides in our personal, professional and collective lives. Also, because it is a high energy year, it’s important to pace and ground ourselves often.

As mentioned earlier in the forecast, because there’s a momentum or movement happening this year, many people may internalize these new energies as anxiety. Grounding and living our lives one day at time will really support us.

Tapping into Higher Truth

Another aspect of the fresh start we get to experience is that there’s a great deal of ‘truth’ coming out in the open. We may learn many new things about people, places and things in our experience that we may not have been aware of before now.

Some of these truths may be eye-openers, while others may be wonderful confirmations.

Whatever truths reveal themselves, they will provide us with the feedback necessary to connect us with the people, places and experiences that align more with where the next part of our journey is heading.

An Epic Love Activation

Although the Olympics originally began with the purpose of promoting competition and excellence in certain areas of sport, they now give us the opportunity to put our differences aside and stand next to each other as One family.

The Olympic Games are unique in that even when there’s a great deal of political rhetoric surrounding them, they can still activate and awaken the heart of the world. The greatest time for this occur is usually during the opening ceremony, when billions of people around the world watch with joy as those representing their country walk in the parade of nations.

A powerful process we can do during the opening ceremony is to send unconditional love, compassion and gratitude to every person attending the Olympics, and to every human being around the world who is also watching at that exact same time.

In doing this process, we instantly create a unity grid that connects us all and gives us the opportunity to co-create a new era of peace. Yes, we are THAT powerful, and we can use this opportunity to create a quantum leap in consciousness.

I look forward to connecting with you then!

The doors to a new era are opening up for us, so enjoy the ride.

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


A Glimpse at the Gifts 2014 Will Bring 

January 2014

Happy New Year my Beautiful Friend,

It’s such a deep honor for me to connect with you again as we embark upon a fresh new year.

I have quite a few exciting things to share with you in this forecast! But before we dive into some of the gifts the year 2014 will usher in, let’s take a moment to reflect back on the blessings that the past year brought us.

December 2012: What Really Happened?

When the December 21st 2012 Winter Solstice came and went and nothing in our immediate reality ‘seemed’ to have shifted much, many people were left feeling disheartened, disconnected and defeated.

There was no doubt as to the palpable quickening of time and the heightened physical and emotional symptoms that led up to and followed the December Solstice of 2012. But many simply didn’t feel fulfilled enough after the amount of hard work and dedication they had contributed to the potential awakening of the collective consciousness.

Early 2013 then became a testing period for us to see how resilient we were, and whether we would allow ourselves to sink or to swim.

The December 21st 2012 phenomenon taught many of us a profound lesson: to let go of the specific expectations the human part of us too often likes to carry around and get caught up in.

Around early Spring of 2013, many of us started to develop our ‘letting go’ muscles and truly began to go deeper into our ability to surrender to the natural flow of life. As we did this, things in our collective reality began to shift more quickly than ever.

The seeds that had been planted decades before and during the December 21st 2012 Solstice began to sprout. The new beginnings for a bright new world, planted by millions of people through gathered intention and meditation, began to emerge and actually started to reveal themselves.

Confirmations of a Bright New World

As time speeds up and the world changes at the speed of light, our mind has a tendency to forget things quickly and move on to whatever is next.

At the end of each quarter year (beautifully marked by the Equinoxes and Solstices), it may serve us to note some of the personal and global shifts that have occurred, so that we can revisit them at the end of the year to keep track of how much things really have changed.

We can instantly confirm just how much we have expanded and grown, by briefly reflecting back on how we were showing up in the world just before we entered 2013, and how we are showing up now.

Think about all of the wisdom, lessons and gifts you have received in this short amount of time. It’s kind of jaw-dropping, isn’t it?

2013: How We’ve Grown

Here are just a few confirmations as to how much we have expanded and grown collectively in 2013:

People are awakening to the truth of who they really are, and are connecting more on a heart-to-heart level.
Industries and corporations operating from a lack of integrity are losing steam and influence.
People are becoming more conscious of where their food sources are coming from and what their food is really made of.
People are becoming more conscious of how they can take better care of their environment. Alternative natural resources are becoming more popular for a cleaner way of living.
Huge steps forward are being created in the LGBTQ rights movement.
The power pendulum is shifting, from a select few back to the collective masses.
Conscious businesses and media are becoming more popular and more in demand.
Alternative healing therapies and practices are becoming increasingly accepted into mainstream thought.
Good morals and values in both personal and business ventures are making a major comeback.
The world came together and said ‘NO!’—and overturned the possibility of another war in the Middle East.

The year 2013 was truly a year of learning. It allowed millions of people to anchor a greater wisdom that is now leading us to higher states of consciousness. 2014 and beyond will call us to apply and witness this higher consciousness in action.

A Glimpse at the Gifts 2014 Will Bring

So what’s in store for us in 2014 and beyond?

One of the most exciting things I’d like to highlight, which has already started to show up for many and will continue to make its way into the lives of many more, is the experience of complete healing and ultimate resolution of our deepest challenges.

Many of us have been holding on to lingering physical, emotional, mental and financial patterns that have blocked us from truly living our greatest potential. Although these patterns are unique to each individual, many have not experienced complete healing and dissolution of these patterns simply because there’s a part of them that did not believe it was even possible.

Because these patterns can stem back through many lifetimes, it’s not always necessary to dissect why or how we acquired each one. What we can do though, is accept them as they are and be grateful for the lessons they taught us. We can then align ourselves with the energies becoming available to us, so that ultimate healing can occur.

What I’ve been seeing and feeling for 2014 is that many of the things we’ve had challenges in overcoming will heal almost instantaneously. Some people may even have a hard time believing that these issues really are resolved, because when the answers come they may seem to be just too easy.

Many of these answers will have been ‘under our nose’ the whole time. They’re able to come to us now, because it’s only now that we are open enough to receive them. Of course, those of us who have diligently been committed to our inner healing know that these healings have been lifetimes in the making!

Keeping an Open Mind and Heart

So I invite you to keep an open mind and an open heart to all the opportunities the Universe provides for you this year that contribute to the ultimate healing and resolving of many old issues in your life.

This coming year will continue to expand upon many of the blessings we received in 2013, while the awakening to higher consciousness that is now manifesting in the collective will reach soaring heights. This expanded consciousness will powerfully enable real and positive change in the world, in a way that can no longer be held back or denied.

Those who have served as way-showers for what feels like an eternity will find themselves with a much lighter load this coming year. I know that for many, this day felt like it would never arrive. The lighter load will be a result of us allowing ourselves to receive the support of the newcomers who have recently awakened and are eager to dedicate their lives to a more mindful way of being.

Imagine the infinite possibilities that can show up for us when we allow ourselves to breathe and experience a lighter existence. I know I’m ready—how about you?

Here’s to a year filled with an avalanche of bliss, laughter, prosperity, miracles, well-being, creative fulfillment, peace, love and ease in every area of our lives.

This or something greater, and so it is!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


The Completion of an 11-Year Cycle 

December 2013

Hi my Friend,

As I connect with you today, I am feeling a great sense of Oneness rising up in the world. How blessed we are to be here now and to experience this journey together.

November was a profoundly transformative month for many. We were guided to dive deeper within ourselves than we have in a very long time.

Many of us moved and are still moving through a great deal of physical and emotional purging. Going this deep into the purging process can leave a person feeling completely “over it all” or as if the purging will never end.

Know that this process is temporary, and that everything we are moving through is playing an important part in our journey to higher states of consciousness.

Polarities: The Sun’s Flip

Every eleven years, the Sun shifts its polarities, flipping its magnetic north and south. This polarity shift is speeding up the purging process for every living being on the planet. It’s part of the completion of an 11-year cycle.

By reflecting on who we were showing up as in the world eleven years ago, and who we are choosing to be now, we clearly affirm the massive metamorphosis that has taken place.

If we look to nature, we can see that the geomagnetic storms caused by heightened solar activity is greatly affecting our weather patterns. Know that although some of these weather patterns are causing many challenges in the world, there is a greater purpose that will reveal itself in time as to why this is all happening.

On a personal level, we are also being turned “inside-out” so that we can prepare ourselves for a brand new cycle, one that’s more aligned with the highest, most authentic aspect of ourselves.

The shifting polarity of the Sun can also leave us feeling quite exhausted one moment and extremely energetic the next.

The Golden Compass: Compassion

The key to moving through the current completion cycle with more ease, is to simply ground ourselves in compassion. We do this by nourishing our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

We also do this by understanding and embodying what compassion is.

True compassion gives us the opportunity to see and love the way the Universe sees and loves. Compassion allows us to love ourselves and others from the sacred space of deep inner knowing that we are all whole, sacred and Divine Universal Beings who have never been hurt or harmed in any way.

Of course our “mind” will try to convince us otherwise, but that is only because it’s trying to keep us safe the best way it knows how.

With compassion, we are able to look past the stories and illusions of lack, fear and limitations.

Compassion is not to be confused with sympathy. When we sympathize, we lower our vibration by forgetting that we are complete and whole beings. This results in us feeding into the environment of fear, lack and limitation that those around us may be choosing to buy into.

Many of us who are naturally empathic are experts at sympathizing. As empaths, many of us have a tendency to want to save and help everyone around us. This is a wonderful quality, however it usually results in us feeding into the dense energies in our environment.

Too often, the people, places and experiences in our environment then continue their stories of lack, fear and limitation, because they feel that we have validated these experiences for them through our sympathy.

Compassion begins with the self. When we become committed to fully loving and accepting ourselves first, we are then able to wholeheartedly anchor more Divine love and compassion for the world around us.

Compassion elevates us and our environment to the frequency of Divine Love. Compassion is the golden compass that allows us to navigate through times of great change with more joy and ease.

A Fresh Start on the Horizon

As the year 2013 comes to a close, our hearts will open up in ways that allow more room for joy, gratitude and love to be present in our lives. This opening will also create a solid foundation in our relationship with our intuition, which will set the tone for how we choose to create the next 11-year cycle of our lives.

And just as our hearts will be opening, so will the heart of humanity as a whole. So expect even more great changes to occur in the world.

You are the Gift!

Even though things may appear to be quite chaotic at times, your Spirit knew before ever coming into this paradigm that you would overcome it all, and elevate humanity back to its true nature: love.

How powerful you are to have chosen to be an integral part of this collective shift to higher states of consciousness! This act is nothing short of heroic, and the Universe, your Higher Self, your Guides, all Beings of Love, and I all honor you for choosing to answer the call to support humanity in this way.

You are a gift to us all. Thank you for choosing to be here, and for paving the way for us all to align with a heart-centered reality, through your presence, actions, words, gifts, talents and wisdom.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,

©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


Feeling the Magic Again 

October 2013

Peace and blessings, my friend.

It's always an honor for me to connect with your beautiful presence.

After several months of intense energetic shifts, things are starting to level out within and around us.

The past few months have left many who are sensitive to energy feeling zapped to the core. And even that is an understatement. Although there is no such thing as ever being disconnected from Spirit/Source Energy, it most definitely felt like we were more often than not.

The turning point, where many of us started to sense more balance in our state of being, manifested around the Equinox which took place on September 22nd. On this day, an energetic elevation happened that allowed us to be more at peace with our body, mind, spirit and the Universe.

Feeling the Magic Again

When we personally and collectively move through intense energy cycles like the one we just completed, many of us tend to isolate ourselves from the world around us. This usually happens as a form of self-protection similar to when a caterpillar builds its cocoon that creates a safe haven for it to eventually become a butterfly.

When we are inside of our energetic cocoon, things can feel dim, claustrophobic and disjointed. So it's only natural that when we are in this transitional stage we have a more challenging time connecting with and feeling the magic of who we really are and what life is truly all about.

Although being in our energetic cocoons can feel isolating, it's also an excellent time to get to know ourselves on the deepest level. It's an opportunity to contemplate what we are ready to release and what we are ready to create more of.

Just like when it's time for the caterpillar to become the butterfly, it's now time for us to spread our own energetic wings and fly. It's time to live in the fullness and magic of who we really are.

The magic of the Universe has always been available to us. Many of us are quite familiar with this magic. It is familiar to us because it's who we are at our core. All of the diligent inner-work and healing that we have chosen to walk through over the years has opened us up to experiencing more of this magic. And even during the intense times when the magic feels like it's gone, it's all serving to elevate us to higher states of consciousness where magic can instantly be seen, felt and experienced fully. It is serving to elevate us to a paradigm where it becomes impossible not to be drenched with the magic all the time.

Bold Enough to Be Vulnerable

When we think of being vulnerable, usually we don't associate it with being bold. However, one of the boldest and most courageous things we can do in today's world is to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is not to be mistaken for weakness.

Being vulnerable simply means we allow ourselves to be available.

If we always have armor up between us and the world around us, we block ourselves from being available to most of our blessings!

When it comes to being vulnerable, the mind will think things like "but... this person betrayed me, or that person did this to me..." However, this is just the mind's way of trying to keep itself safe. Know that these experiences do not define who we really are. The sooner we free ourselves from the stories and illusions of insult and injury that keep our armor up 24/7, the sooner we become more available to experiencing joyful blessings.

Of course it is important to discern who we are vulnerable with. We don't have to be vulnerable with everyone. Remember that when someone is being vulnerable with us or vice versa, it's a privilege for whoever is on the receiving end of it. So, let's choose mindfully as to who we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with. And later, if we notice that it may not have been a wise discernment, that's okay. Let's use the experience as feedback that it simply was not a vibrational match. At least we tried. The fact that we are willing to be vulnerable opens us up to being more available to the good all around us.

How is this vulnerability showing up in the world? People all over the world who have been oppressed by institutions are taking a leap of faith and standing up for conscious change.

They are being vulnerable enough to vocalize their desires for peace, fairness and equality. Look at how being bold enough to be vulnerable has shifted the energy around the Syrian matter. People rallied for a peaceful alternative and that's what we got! In some countries, being bold enough to be vulnerable is a cause for punishment, yet people are still rising up, setting aside their differences and overcoming their fear of being vulnerable to create positive change in the world.

A Time to Rest

After all of the excitement we've experienced for the last several months, we most definitely deserve some time to rest and pamper ourselves. Many of us who are tending to relationships or are involved with projects that require a large portion of our energy and attention would also benefit greatly by adding equal amounts of rest into our daily routine.

Resting doesn't mean we put our lives on hold, however it does mean we allot ourselves the time to simply just 'be' rather than always having to 'do.'

We are being gifted with the opportunity right now to experience a bit of a break with the intense energies. This is a great time to pause and just enjoy life. Let's put our feet up and receive all the beauty life has to offer us. We've earned it.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


The Celestial Conversion - Are You Ready? 

September 2013

Peace and blessings, my friend.

It's such an honor to connect on a heart to heart level with you once again. There is a palpable anticipation in the air that something BIG is about to manifest in our collective experience.

While living in the Midwest as a teenager, I had the opportunity to witness two tornadoes. For those who have been through these kinds of weather marvels, you know that right before a powerful storm is about to occur, there's usually an inexplicable stillness that precedes it.

This is a similar type of stillness that many of us are noticing right now. However, the 'tornado' in this case is not something to fear, but rather something to embrace. A tornado is simply an energy vortex in motion, and it's safe to say we could use this kind of vortex in the collective at this time so that a more conscious way of living can emerge.

It's all about how we choose to react to this energy vortex; our reaction decides what our experience of it will be. When we react from a place of fear, worry, or mindlessness, we place ourselves on the outer edge of this vortex where the most discomfort and struggle happens. When we react from a place of calm, love and mindfulness, we place ourselves at the center - also known as the 'eye' of the vortex - where the most ease, grace and stillness happens. Being in the center of the vortex also assures us that we are operating from a mindful place which is the most powerful space we can be in.

Passing the Baton

On an energetic level, there is a 'passing of the baton' occurring from the collective ego to the collective heart. The collective ego is exhausted. We can clearly see it all over the world. The ego is realizing that it simply cannot survive in the old destructive patterns of control, domination and separation that it partook of and found great comfort in for so long. It's important to remember that we learned great lessons from these old patterns, but we no longer need to keep recreating them in order to receive the lessons. We are ready to move on.

During this time of 'passing of the baton,' things appear to be quite chaotic because the collective ego is having to graduate from a rigid state of existence into a flexible and open state of existence. So as a result of this transition, the ego has a tendency to go into freak-out mode.

This turnover can feel scary to the ego because it's not used to change and it fears losing its identity in the process. So the ego is trying to firmly grip onto what little it still can of its old ways. This is showing up through fear tactics that the governments, big businesses, media and religious sects are making use of to try to keep humanity separated from its true nature. Now more than ever, we must not be distracted by the outside noise.

The actions of these governments, businesses, media outlets and religious sects are simply a mirror of how we have been treating ourselves. It's not about a 'them vs. us' mentality. It's about empowering ourselves with the knowing that we allowed ourselves to create these structures, and as quickly as we created them, we also have the power to change them. How do we do that? We do it by focusing on shifting the way we treat ourselves and the world around us. We do it by recognizing that we are a global family.

When the ego realizes how much it will gain, grow and experience as a result of letting go of the control, domination and separation that it was used to, it will instantly shift into a more conscious and open state of being. Then, the global structures we have put into place can begin to mirror our higher states of consciousness.

The Celestial Conversion

So, how is this passing of the baton manifesting itself? In the next several months, this conversion is manifesting itself as humanity moving away from ego driven intentions (control/structure/over-analysis) and more into the heart driven intentions (feeling/intuitive development.) This shift is what I like to call a celestial conversion.

Here are just a few things to look for as the celestial conversion continues to make its way up on the global stage:

• Emerging global consciousness
• Self-sustaining communities
• Higher transparency and accountability expected from
governments/big businesses/pharmaceuticals/religious sects/media structures
• Innovative breakthroughs in technology and science
• Global gatherings that shift the power back to the people
• Collective fearlessness
• Thirst for more holistic and alternative therapies
• Healthy food initiatives
• Equality of all global citizens
• Monetary shifts

Here are just a few things to look for as the celestial conversion continues to make its way into our personal lives:

• Time speeding up
• Shifts in personal and professional relationships
• Changing of environment/relocation
• Fruition of projects/creative endeavors
• Feelings of anticipation/waves of heightened energy
(may be mistaken as anxiety or moodiness)
• Higher insights, wisdom and awareness
• Physical, mental, emotional and financial healing
• Instant manifestations/synchronicities
• Reconnections/reunions
• More clarity
• Understanding what really matters/not sweating the small stuff
• Development of intuition and personal gifts/contributions
• Spiritual development

Trusting the Divine I AM

What would life look like if we allowed ourselves to fully trust our process, our journey and ultimately our Divine I AM presence? Can we trust that we are the same exact I AM presence that is Source Energy which flows through everything and that IS everything? What would happen if we unburdened ourselves of all the fear-based qualities our mind identified with for so long, and opened ourselves to the vastness of who we really are? Would life still look the same, and would we have anything to lose along the way?

We as a global family are coming back to the fullness of who we are, and the biggest hurdle to embracing ourselves (including our process, journey, gifts, talents and desires) completely up until now has been that our mind has not been able to trust the I AM/Source that created it in the first place.

So why the lack of trust? The answer is simple. It's because throughout the ages, we have tried to humanize the I AM/Source Energy by projecting different faces of men onto it to make it a bit easier for our mind to digest and understand.

When we are born into this existence, we as children look at our parents or caretakers as the 'God/I AM' figure in our life. We trust that these figures will provide for our every need. But then as we grow, we start to notice that these role-models in our lives have personalities that can sometimes show up as being angry, judgmental, mean, hurtful, imperfect, or someone who makes decisions that may cause us distress, disappointment and trauma.

So, in the moments when we realize that these role-models we placed our trust in can no longer show up as the perfect idea we expected them to be, something within us changes. There's usually a nonverbal agreement or vow that we make with ourselves to never trust anyone or anything except for ourselves again. And because these caretakers were supposed to be the God/I AM figures in our lives, we began to see the actual I AM/Source Energy itself as something we can no longer trust completely either. We put a face on Source, and this has been the cause of great fears and disappointments through the ages.

The truth is that our caretakers, their caretakers and so forth on down through the ages were not taught to remember and operate from their truest Divine nature as they took care of us. They were not self-actualized fully to operate from their truest selves. They were in their humanity, the part of them that forgot its true omnipotent nature, and they did the best that they could with what they had at the time.

So knowing this now, we can begin placing our trust in I AM/Source Energy again.

The I AM/Source Energy has never wavered in its love for us and never will. It is Unconditional Love in its highest and most pristine form. This energy always has supported, loved and offered guidance to us every step of the way, even when we weren't paying attention. To receive all the blessings that Source Energy creates for us in every second of our lives, all that is asked of us is to move out of our own way, trust and be willing to receive. This powerful combination will also serve us well as we move through the major personal and global revelations as they continue to unfold over the next several months. Get ready, it's going to be an exciting ride!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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