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A Time of Inspiration and Empowerment 

September 2017

My friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect with you this way every month. Your presence is helping to raise the consciousness of the planet, and for that and so much more, I am grateful.

We have much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.

What an eventful summer it has been! So many internal and external shifts have taken place in our lives and in the world over the past three months.

For many empaths, these shifts felt like being in the high spin cycle of a washing machine, especially with everything coming at us in such a scattered way.

Focused and Inspired

Over the next few weeks, the scattered energies will alchemize themselves into a more focused energy.

This focused energy will help to stimulate inner feelings of empowerment, passion, and inspiration, which will help get things moving again in our lives in a way that feels productive and progressive.

These focused energies will awaken something within us that have long been dormant.

The image that keeps coming up is that of a golden lioness/lion that has been fully awakened from a deep sleep.

The physical feeling that keeps coming up is passion in every cell and fiber of the body.

A big part of this new, focused energy has to do with the effects of the two eclipses that we moved through recently, in addition to Saturn going direct at the end of August, after being in retrograde since April 6.

Add Mercury going direct on September 5 to this celestial cocktail mix, and we find that a new inner flame is being lit.

That inner flame will help us move past any stagnancy rooted in victim consciousness, supporting our return to our powerful, majestic selves. From there, we can move forward with greater joy, intention, and ease.

Something to note: During a Saturn retrograde, we are given the opportunity to renegotiate and review any past activities or commitments that have been a source of frustration for us.

We get the opportunity to tie up loose ends, and finish uncompleted tasks in our immediate environment.

The Saturn retrograde is also about quickly learning lessons from old karmic patterns that have not fully resolved yet. This has probably felt bumpy at times, because we can feel stuck and unmoving about an issue, while our emotions are all over the place.

Saturn retrograde is a pause for responsibility. It creates a type of disruption in the process of engaging our awareness and energy in something. This often creates a sense of incompleteness.

But that is all about to change now.

Long-range goals and projects can progress smoothly again. Delays can clear up, and moving forward will feel much easier.

Things that felt like a standstill will start expanding again. If there’s an idea, project, or opportunity that you have been sitting on for a while, now is the time to go for it! Just make sure it’s something that feels joyous, expansive, and in alignment with your most positive self.

If it does, then that is your confirmation to go ahead and move forward with it. The electricity in the air now is in full support of the manifestation of your greatest visions!

Over the next few days and weeks, you may notice feelings of being more inspired, free, active, blessed, motivated, excited, joyful, open, energized, and loving.

This is all a confirmation that things are moving forward for you, and that you've worked through much of the karmic lessons that can come with Saturn retrograde.

This focused intention will be with us for the rest of the year. It will allow us to be more productive, both in our personal lives and in the larger sense, on the world stage.

Stable and Grounded

The energies of September will also support us in feeling more stable and grounded.

When we are grounded and stable, we operate at our most powerful, which is always found in the present moment.

Becoming present allows us to transcend the illusions of time. It's from this space of no-time (a place of nonattachment) that our greatest, most desired intentions can manifest.

Here are some simple things we can do to feel more stable and grounded:

Walk or stand on the Earth (soil, grass, or sand) with bare feet

Express gratitude daily

Spend more time in Nature

Have compassion and love for the thoughts our mind has, without needing to judge them

Get connected fully to our five senses, taking quiet moments to notice the sounds, shapes, colors, tastes, textures, and scents all around us

Look into the eyes of everyone we meet, remembering that they are a reflection of the Universe

To the mind, and to those who identify more with being free spirits, the idea of being grounded may seem limiting. This usually stems from the idea that the word "grounded" implies being fixed or inflexible.

However, the opposite is true.

When we choose to be stable and grounded, we instantly bring ourselves into the flow of the present moment. Again, it’s in the present moment where we operate from our most powerful state.

It's in the present that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the past or the future.

Being grounded in the present moment allows us to fully enjoy our lives, while being open to all the new blessings life has available to us.

Support and Community

This is an excellent time to get clear on what we desire to bring into our lives.

Here are some helpful questions we can ask ourselves to get more clarity on what we want to create more of:

“What excites me?”
"What are some things I loved doing as a child that I can integrate into my present reality?”
"What feels expansive and good to me?"

These questions can help us get clear on what we really want to experience more of.

Once we have that clarity, it becomes easier to take action and to ask for support.

Most of us have shied away from asking for support from others, either because we were not clear on where we truly needed their support, or because we had been conditioned to believe that getting what we want takes something from someone else, as if we are creating a burden for them.

Life is about being part of the human experience. One of the main components of the human experience is being part of a community.

We are here to share our blessings with one another. If you are surrounded by people who do not want to support or help you, it’s usually a reflection of how you have been treating yourself or others.

Are you generous with your support towards yourself and others? Do you offer support without expecting anything return? Does it feel easy and fun for you to share your blessings with the world?

When you can fully answer “yes” to these questions, you will notice abundantly available support in your life.

When we share and express what we desire with the Universe and those around us by asking for support, we open ourselves up to receiving opportunities we may not have otherwise had a chance to experience before.

The Universe wants to give us everything we've ever desired for ourselves. It's just a matter of how open we are to receiving it.

If you are ever feeling unsupported, find an opportunity to support someone else, even if it’s someone you don’t know very well.

This act of kindness will shift the energies for you, and open your mind, eyes, and heart to knowing that life is much more than separating ourselves and hiding from others.

It’s about living, loving, and sharing our gifts and our presence openly.

The next few months will nudge us to open ourselves up to receiving and giving support.

It’s time to release the pride or old patterns that we’ve allowed to hold us back from living our most desired reality.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,



The Heat is On

August 2017

It’s a blessing for me to be able to connect with you this way my friend. We have so much energy talk to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

We are currently moving through a highly active energy cycle that began at the end of July, and will continue until early September.

During highly active energy cycles, there’s often a great deal of electricity in the air, which is felt most powerfully by those who are sensitive to energy.

When this much electricity is in the air, it offers us an excellent opportunity to take action towards creating the reality of our choice.

This is not the time to sit on the sidelines, watching as life passes us by!

Just like the seasons, energy goes through different cycles. Sometimes the energy is in a dormant cycle, and at other times, the energy is in a highly active cycle.

Right now, we are in a highly active cycle.

Turning Up the Heat

When the energetic heat is turned up as it is right now, it often manifests itself in the following ways in our personal lives:

• Beginning a new project, job, or creative venture
• Cleaning up and resolving past debts (personal, financial, etc.)
• Deciding to move to a new home or location
• Changes in appetite and eating habits
• Being more social and making new friends
• Giving ourselves a healthy outlet to express our creativity
• Starting a new relationship or rekindling a past or current one
• Feelings of being motivated and action-oriented
• Taking a trip
• Exercising and being more physically active
• Taking a new class or course
• Cleaning our house or living space

If any of these examples sound good to you, now is the time to explore them!

Two Kinds of Action

There are two kinds of action: inspired action and forced action.

When we try to take forced action, we usually come up against a great deal of resistance.

Making or forcing something to happen often requires that we spend lots of time and energy on something that may not be natural to us. It often feels hard, and requires a great deal of outer control.

Many of us grew up being taught that making or forcing something to happen is what brings it to us. We were taught that if we were assertive about making our dreams a reality, we would be rewarded with positive results.

We were taught that the harder we worked, the more things we could acquire to make us happy. Even though this method may work temporarily, most of the time it comes with a hefty price, like the disruption of our wellbeing.

When we operate from a space of always trying to make or force something to happen, that usually puts a great deal of pressure and stress on our emotional and mental bodies.

Over time, this shows up as an imbalance in our emotional, mental, or physical body.

But there is a kind of action that doesn’t require us to push so hard, and that is inspired action.

When we take inspired action, we do so from a place of awareness, ease, and grace.

We become so present to the opportunities and blessings the Universe is offering us, that we easily step into them from a place of gratitude. There’s no force, control, or pressure needed.

With inspired action comes a trust that the Universe/Our Spirit is taking care of us fully.

With that trust, we no longer need to oversee or control every specific detail in our lives. We move out of any survival or victim patterns.

Taking inspired action is not to be confused with sitting around and waiting for life to make things happen for us.

It does, however, mean that we are intentionally choosing to be present and open to the opportunities that come our way.

The Universe/Our Spirit is constantly gifting us with new opportunities and blessings that will help us create the kind of life we truly desire.

However, when we are focused on the future or dwelling in the past, which most people have been taught to do, we tend to miss what’s being presented to us in the present moment.

It’s in this present moment that we are the most effective deliberate creator of our lives.

Special note: Because of the highly active energies right now, it has become very challenging and almost uncomfortable for us to procrastinate—to resist being active.

Even if it’s as simple as going for a walk outside or moving our body through dance or any kind of aerobic exercise, these inspired actions will serve us greatly during this time.

Physical Shifts

When we are in a highly active energy cycle, our body can experience any of the following:

Our vision sharpens.

Our sense of hearing, taste, touch, and smell become more refined.

We might feel a bit dizzy at times, or spaced out.

Our skin may feel a bit more itchy than usual—a confirmation that we are energetically “shedding our old skin,” and letting healthy new skin to emerge.

Our weight fluctuates.

Our sleeping patterns change.

We tend to lose track of time.

However these energy shifts show up for you, just know that it’s normal, and part of the process.

The Power of the August 21 Total Solar Eclipse

The pinnacle of these highly active energies will be reached on August 21 at 2:30 pm Eastern Time, when we will experience a total solar eclipse.

Eclipses are some of the most powerful astrological occurrences, because they often usher in major changes.

During an eclipse, humanity is upgraded energetically, so the energies will feel very high as they move through us.

It might be a good idea to write down whatever inspirations, ideas, and insights we receive at this time, so we have them available for easy access later on, to integrate into our lives.

An eclipse is also a great time for healing, because it brings to the surface deeply buried patterns that are no longer aligned with our highest potential.

If you find yourself and others feeling a bit more emotional or sensitive than usual during this time ... be gentle with yourself and them, as this will allow the healing to be a much smoother experience.

As we use this time for healing, it’s also a great opportunity to let go of the illusions of separation, and to remember that we have always been One with all of Life, including each other.

This particular total solar eclipse is asking us to be fully transparent, open, and honest when it comes to how we live our lives.

Anything or anyone operating covertly or without integrity during a time of this total solar eclipse, and for several months afterward, will struggle Big Time.

Keep an eye out for how this shows up, both in our immediate reality and also on the global stage.

One of the greatest ways to work with this solar eclipse is to be clear about what our intentions are, and to be willing to follow through on them when the opportunity to do so presents itself.

During a total solar eclipse, meditating on the Sun energy strengthens our internal Sun (located in the solar plexus/stomach region), which is another way of saying our Divine power.

This helps us to express ourselves and our gifts more openly and freely, without holding back. It also helps us build confidence in ourselves, including our gifts, talents, and overall presence in this world.

This total solar eclipse is going to shake up a lot of things, which will open the door for many new blessings to enter our reality.

As always, it has been such an honor to connect with you in this way.

Have a wonderful August, and I will look forward to catching up with you again soon!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,



A Time to Heal

July 2017

Hi My Friend,

It’s such an honor for me to connect with you in this way. Thank you for choosing to consciously align with a path of love and expansion, and for allowing your heart to be open.

There are many new changes happening right now, so let’s get right to them!

Expressing Ourselves

The first few weeks of July are all about coming out of our energetic shell. There will be a strong desire to step out of our regular routine, to try something different.

If we have a naturally outgoing personally, this will only be enhanced. If we tend to be a bit more shy and introverted, these next few weeks will open up something within us, giving us the opportunity to let go of much of the armor we’ve built around ourselves.

This armor had the purpose of protecting us in the old paradigm. However, it is no longer needed, because our mind is expanding to a point where it fully understands that our Spirit is and has always been taking care of us, every step of the way.

That armor can be set aside now.

Being Seen

We came into this world to been seen.

Being seen starts with consciously choosing to “see” ourselves first.

If we are not seeing ourselves fully for the magnificence that we are, we will keep searching outside of ourselves for approval, love, and acceptance.

Doing this will keep us in “chase” mode, where we are constantly seeking something, and never feeling truly happy and fulfilled.

When I mentioned that we came into this world to be seen, did that feel true for you? Or did you feel some resistance come up?

If you felt resistance, know that that is absolutely normal. Often, the reason we are resistant to anything that helps us make ourselves a priority, or that allows us to shine brightly, is that we have conditioned ourselves to believe the opposite is preferable.

Most of us taught ourselves early on to “blend in” with the majority of society.

We made up our mind that it was not safe or OK for us to fully be ourselves. And when we were being ourselves,
we seemed to get punished for it, because the world didn’t seem ready for what we had to offer.

Of course, we know that this is not what was really happening, when we look at it from an expanded perspective. But to the mind, these experiences were very important, and shaped how we started showing up in the world.

The way to move beyond the need to identify with the old patterns of remaining “safely invisible” is to understand that it was never about anyone else seeing us.

It was us about seeing ourselves.

Every experience we have ever had brought us the gift of this awareness. The awareness of seeing, loving, and honoring ourselves fully.

During the first half of July, we may find ourselves desiring to connect and communicate with others more. This might happen face to face, over the phone, online, or in some other way.

However it shows up, it’s important to honor that moment by not holding in whatever we truly desire to say.

We may also find ourselves trying new things. It could be anything from trying a new class or hobby to getting a completely new hairstyle, and everything in between.

Whatever presents itself to us, as long as it feels positive and exciting ... now is the time to try it!

Expressing our thoughts, feelings, ideas, and heart in the early parts of July will set the foundation for the second part of July, which is all about taking action, especially with the things we are most passionate about creating and experiencing.

A Time to Heal

During the past few weeks and continuing well into July, many of us will notice and experience big changes, especially when it comes to our healing journey.

The paradigm we have expanded into now is allowing for quick changes in healing to happen in our physical, emotional, mental, and financial bodies.

Healing used to be more about “doing,” which required more of an “effort” energy. Now it is more about simply “being,” where we operate from a space of allowance.

When we allow things to unfold as they are naturally meant to—when we move out of the way—the healing occurs on its own.

Those who serve as a holistic/wellness practitioner or spiritual teacher, and those who are in the creative arts, may have noticed their gifts have evolved quickly over the past few months.

It takes a certain kind of practice to reach a state of pure allowance, where we no longer exert as much energy as we may have in the past, especially when it comes to reaching a desired outcome.

One of the main reasons for this, is that the need for or attachment to reaching a particular outcome is itself actually falling away. That opens us up to even greater outcomes the mind may not have consciously thought of yet.

This is where that saying, “Let go and let God/the Universe take care of everything” finally begins to make a lot of sense.

When we operate from this space of complete nonattachment, we become witness to instantaneous physical, emotional, mental, and financial healing, within ourselves, others, and the world around us.

If you feel you have not been able to receive or notice the healings taking place within and around you, now is your opportunity to be willing to let go of your expectations for specific outcomes.

Those expectations may be holding you back from experiencing the ultimate, much higher reality available to you.

One of my favorite morning intentions is to affirm: “I choose to let go, and let love.”

This reminds me that whatever burdens and attachments I’m still carrying, I can lovingly hand them over to my Higher Self / Spirit Self so that I can make space for new blessings to enter my life.

The attachments the mind often creates to keep it operating in the “doing” energy actually serve as fillers or placeholders in our inner vision that prevent us from noticing and being open to new, unexpected blessings in our lives.

As simple as the intention “I choose to let go and let love” may sound, to the mind it can present a real struggle.

This is because when the mind tries to let go of something it thinks it still needs, it fears that it’s losing something important.

In reality, by letting go of what no longer serves our highest good, such as attachments to specific outcomes that keep the mind in fear, worry, lack, judgment, etc., we’re not losing anything.

Instead, we are gaining everything.

How? The mind may ask.

When we let go, we are letting go of the illusion. We can also call it “the chase.”

The illusion or “the chase” is simply another way of saying “expecting a limited reality.”

So when we let go of our belief in the limitations around a reality, what happens?

We step into a reality of Infinite Possibilities. expanding into our greatest potential, and no longer keeping ourselves small.

We are then opening up to Life in the fullest sense.

Ending the Chase

Society has taught us to look outside of ourselves for anything we want to create and experience.

This conditioning has created the illusion known as “the chase.”

This occurs when the mind has decided that it has to pursue and attain something, exerting lots of energy and time and moving through challenges, in order for it to get what it thinks it really wants.

Doesn’t that sound exhausting? Yet we all know this process very well, don’t we?

Choosing to live in chase mode does at times satisfy the left brain, which is all about order, structure, and organization. It satisfies that part of the mind, because it feeds its ability to operate in linear time, which is where mental structure and survival patterns thrive.

It's important to honor the structured aspect of ourselves.

Yet if we are always operating from this space, especially when it comes to living the life we truly desire, it creates many limitations, and exhausts us on all levels.

The key to attracting well-being, joy, abundance, and all of the fun blessings life has to offer, is to recognize that the world around us is a direct result of the internal awareness, thoughts, and actions we are choosing daily.

It's about understanding that we are the magnet that is bringing to us all of the experiences we are having.

So with this awareness that we are the magnet, and not our actions, we can then pay attention to whether we are creating from a space of being in the illusion/the chase, or creating from a space of being fully aware.

We attract to us everything we are experiencing as a result of what we project out into the world.

So if our desire is to receive more love, we can then become love. If our desire is to become more financially wealthy, then we can share and give from a place of joy and nonattachment.

The big difference here is that one reality exerts a lot of energy through forcing things to happen, while the other allows us to simply attract and bring in the things we desire with ease and grace.

If we are ready to heal, we are being given the opportunity to do so now, in a very real and lasting way. If we are not fully willing and ready to heal, that’s OK too ... there will be more opportunities to do so in the future.

Everyone is exactly where they are meant to be on their journey.

If you are being called to learn and enhance your natural healing and/or creative gifts, trust your inner guidance. You might choose to enrich your gifts by taking a class or a workshop that resonates with you, or to read a book that feels empowering.

Receiving support from a compassionate wellness or spiritual practitioner would be another way to contribute to your healing. Being a practitioner myself, I find that it can be easy for me to forget to ask for support.

In fact, asking for support used to be quite challenging for me. But once I decided to move out of my comfort zone and ask for help, many doors that were once closed opened up for me. I even became a better practitioner as a result.

Finding an opportunity to give back and to be of service to humanity is also something that will greatly support our own expansion and healing. This allows the mind to move out of the pattern of being self-involved, and redirects its awareness to the betterment of all humanity.

The Universe LOVES acts of service that come from a place of our simply wanting to experience the joy of helping others.

Taking Inspired Action

As mentioned earlier in the forecast, during the second half of July, beginning around July 17, we will experience a newfound confidence that will help us take inspired action when it comes to creating and aligning with the things we are most passionate about.

Inspired action is about taking action from a place of complete flow and awareness. It is not forced. It doesn’t require a lot of effort.

A big part of taking inspired action is about allowing ourselves to be seen. Rather than staying home most of the time, this will be the time to get out of the house and have some fun.

With this kind of “being out and about,” all that is required of us is simply to be ourselves.

Everything else will take care of itself, as long as we are present and in the moment, and noticing the opportunities as they come in.

For those of us who are ready to expand and heal, the temperature is perfect for all of that to happen now.

As always, it’s such a gift for me to get to share with you in this way. If you enjoyed or benefited from reading this forecast, please pass it on to someone you love and care about.

With so much love,

Miraculously yours,

Again, a heartfelt thank you for your sacred love offering that allows this page to remain 100% free for everyone to read!


A Season of Abundance

June 2017

My friend,

Over the next few weeks, many of us will notice an increasing influx of Light, as uplifting energies awaken both within and all around us.

This Light comes directly from the Great Central Sun of the Universe, which resides at the core of all living things.

For many, this Light that will be pouring in over the next few weeks feels long overdue, especially since the past few months have felt quite challenging for so many empaths.

As empaths, it’s important for us to get into a space of connectedness.

Feeling connected to the Earth and our most authentic selves will ensure that we more easily ride the waves of Light about to enter our physical, etheric, and mental bodies over the coming weeks ahead.

There are some simple ways to feel more connected, so that we are prepared to anchor greater amounts of Light, such as:

• Choosing to make our joy a priority
• Making time to nurture and pamper ourselves daily
• Playing daily through dance, the arts, or any other form of creative expression!
• Sharing our Light, gifts, and talents openly
• Letting go of the need to identify with the mind’s attachments to specifics, including people, places, and experiences
• Expressing gratitude and appreciation as often as we can
• Spending time observing our lives, rather than reacting to our experiences (such as via meditation)
• Eating foods that are life-enhancing and nourishing to our body and mind
• Spending time in nature, and with gentle animals (pets)
• Creating time to have a good laugh daily
• Taking long, deep breaths several times throughout the day

There are so many more things we can do to feel connected with our Spirit.

The key is to choose something that brings us into a state of flow, so that we easily integrate the downloads of Light pouring into our dimension and reality.

The Solstice of Abundance

The Light downloads soon to be entering our body, mind, and energy will support us by anchoring the gifts that always come with powerful energy doorways.

This month brings the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere (occurring at 12:24 am Eastern Time on June 21, 2017).

A solstice represents a time of completion and a fresh start. If there is anything that we are ready to resolve and let go of, the solstice is the time to do it.

We can then enter the next phase of our journey feeling refreshed, in our power, and ready to create the life we most desire.

The main theme for this particular solstice is abundance.

What does abundance truly mean? How has your relationship with the energy of abundance been over the years?
Are you living abundantly, in a way that feels expansive to you? Or has it felt otherwise?

Asking these kinds of questions will help us make the best use of the solstice energies, as the answers will reveal themselves in a supportive way.

We can then use the feedback we receive to refine, heal, or strengthen our relationship with abundance in a way that feels aligned with our most authentic selves.

What are you ready to create more of, in order to experience more abundance?

What are you willing to put aside, so that you can create more room for your desired reality?

These are also valuable questions that can help us anchor real abundance.

The energies around a solstice have the ability to bring to light our truest and most authentic desires.

This is because millions of spiritually aware people around the world are now working with these energies, to help create a unified field of Love that can be tapped into purely by the simple intention to do so.

By tapping into this unified field of Love, it becomes much easier to enter a state of flow, which is when we are at our most powerful, in terms of deliberate creation and manifestation.

To connect with the unified field of Love, I invite you to spend a few moments daily, beginning around June 15, where you close your eyes, focus on deep and relaxed breathing, and simply affirm to yourself that you are choosing to love yourself, others, and the world around you abundantly.

Then visualize a blanket of luminous pink or rose-colored Light, gently covering the entire planet. See yourself also being embraced and covered by this beautiful blanket of glowing pink Light.

See yourself dancing in and around this pink Light that is flowing all through and around you.

This will activate your high heart, where the greatest Love and wisdom come into your consciousness from your Spirit Self. This Love and wisdom will guide you to create the reality that is most aligned with the highest vision you have for your life.

Wondrous Times Again!

When empaths move through intense energy cycles, such as the back-to-back ones we’ve been experiencing since late last year, many of us tend to hide ourselves from the world.

This happens because the mind creates a defense mechanism for itself so it can handle all the feelings that come up under the pressure of these higher energies coming in.

I liken it to when a caterpillar builds its cocoon, to create a safe haven for itself as it turns into a butterfly.

When we create a defensive cocoon, things can feel isolating and lonely. As a result, it feels harder to be happy and feel connected to our Light self.

Although it may not feel very comfortable, being in the cocoon can help us learn more about ourselves in a much more intimate way.

It gives us the opportunity to reflect on what we are ready to shed and release, so that we can lighten our load and fly higher than ever before.

It’s time for us now to remove all of the distractions that have kept us in our cocoon much longer than necessary. This includes turning off the news or any other form of media, as well as the people and habits, that drain our energy.

This is the time for us to fly!

The wonder of the Universe has always been available to us.

This wonder and magic is the essence of who and what we are, at our core.

Healing with the Violet Flame

In addition to cocooning itself, when downloads of Light begin to enter our space again, the mind often resorts to fear patterns in order to keep itself feeling safe.

The mind isn’t the biggest fan of change, because it thinks something will be taken away from it as a result.

However, often during these times the mind is being expanded. So that rather than losing something, it’s actually gaining a great deal!

From this awareness, we can see that fear is actually an indicator that expansion and breakthroughs are about to happen.

So really, there is nothing to fear—not even fear itself!

I’d like to offer a powerful yet simple healing technique that will help to purify the mind and emotions quickly from anything that has been holding us back from living our greatest lives.

To use this healing technique, it’s important to have a little background on the Violet Flame.

The Violet Flame is one of the greatest yet least-known spiritual tools on the planet. It is a tremendous gift from the Universe.

The Violet Flame is an aspect of Universal Light that science has demonstrated to be the highest frequency on the color chart spectrum, and is the point of transition to the next octave of Light vibration.

The Violet Flame has the power to transmute density into Light, creating a sense of Love, peace, joy, healing, flow, and ease for whoever uses it.

The Violet Flame is a tool that helps us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, when called upon through mantras and visualization.

This spiritual fire restores the flow of Light and energy in the body, mind, and soul.

Its high vibration penetrates our nervous system, our heart, and our entire physical body and psyche, going straight to the root core of any imbalance we may be experiencing.

It dissolves everything that is not aligned with Divine Love.

The Violet Flame Healing Technique:

1. For about 1 to 3 minutes, visualize yourself sitting inside of a ball of Violet Light.

2. While visualizing this Light flowing all around and through you, keep repeating the following statement:

“I am a being of Violet Fire. I am the purity of Divine Love's Desire.”

3. Express gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the Violet Flame.

And that's it!

Try this for the next 21 days, and notice the shifts that begin to enter your life.

It's a simple yet effective process that I fully trust will empower and expand you!

If you know anyone who is going through a challenging time right now, please offer them this process as your gift to them!

I would love to hear about your experiences with using this technique!

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,



Breakthroughs: Completing Old Vows and Patterns

May 2017 Energy Forecast

My friend,

Thank you for taking the time out of your full schedule every month to connect with me in this way. It is truly one of the highlights of the month for me, and I always look forward to it.


We are in a unique transitional period right now, individually and as a whole.

During times of great transition, the mind often goes into survival mode, because everything around it is changing. This can bring up a lot of fear.

The fear is a sign of resistance. The mind is trying to hold onto the past stories and patterns it has identified with and grown comfortable with, to keep itself feeling safe and protected.

This tendency of the mind—of resisting change by trying to hold onto the past—is at its peak right now. This is bringing to the surface many unresolved imbalances we may still be holding in our body, mind, and emotions.

Yet when this resistance comes up, it is a clear confirmation that big breakthroughs are just around the corner, if we open ourselves up to them.

Breaking Through

Many breakthroughs in our path of growth begin in what we see as a breakdown of mind, body, or emotions.

Of course, our Spirit never views us as broken in any way. It sees only wholeness and perfection in us.

This is why breakdowns are never an experience of the Spirit. They are an experience of the mind.

They happen when the mind feels it has reached a tipping point—the uncomfortable realization that the old thoughts and methods are no longer serving us.

The breakdown comes from the shock of realizing that change must happen, even though that feels very uncomfortable to the mind.

It resents the internal shifts that come with growth, because it has been trained to think of change as something that will take away the identity it has created for itself.

It fears no longer being needed in the way it usually functions.

Yet there always seem to be people who know how to embrace change, who aren’t troubled by the shifts the mind must make. They seem to be able to reinvent themselves, to evolve to an even greater version of who they are.

How are they able to grow without struggle, and to embrace change happily?

Think of someone you know who takes on shifts and changes easily, letting things flow without resistance or fear. These “free spirits” aren’t attached to the old familiar ways, so they are able to allow change without feeling threatened by it.

Notice how you feel when you are around someone like this. You probably relax more, as you experience the easy flow of this person’s energy. You can see that they view life more through their heart than through their mind.

Unlike the mind, our Spirit isn’t put off by change. It’s fueled and excited by it. In fact, it thrives on change!

Yet it’s not unusual for most of us to feel butterflies in our stomachs as we consider a big change, or deal with a new situation. This isn’t actually fear, or a warning about some upcoming event.

It’s our Spirit dancing with excitement, letting us know that we are moving forward in new and empowering ways.

Of course, the mind interprets the butterflies to mean nervousness or fear. Because it in its limited way, it doesn’t really grasp what’s happening.

When that happens, just speak quietly to your mind, to let it know that those feelings are a sign from your Spirit that it’s creating a wonderful new experience for you.

Let it know that it can release all fear. That just isn’t needed anymore.

The energies that came in during the month of March have been nudging us to go well beyond our comfort zone. If we didn’t understand that this was happening, we may have had times of feeling lost, confused, and at a point of experiencing some sort of emotional, mental, or physical breakdown.

Yet breakdowns can lead us into amazing moments of growth. In fact, a breakdown really just means “dismantling limiting patterns that no longer serve our higher good.”

We are now at the point where we are no longer able to find comfort in limiting patterns.

This may feel like a crisis, but it is the kind of crisis that births a whole outlook. It can be one of the most spiritual experiences we can have, because in that crisis moment, we have a chance to reassess our lives and create a new and higher reality for ourselves.

If we’re ready to learn from the breakdown, the next chapter of our lives can look much brighter as we experience more of our spirit’s power and our own higher selves.

But why are these breakdowns happening now?

The End of Karmic Contracts

A big reason why everything seems a bit more challenging than usual now, is because this is a time in which the old karmic contracts, vows, and commitments we have made over many lifetimes, whether consciously or not, are coming to the surface so that we can become aware of them and dissolve them fully.

Confirmations that our old karmic contracts are expiring can include inner nudges that encourage us to:

• Let go of our current job or business ventures
• Align fully with our life purpose
• Take better care of our body, mind, and Spirit
• Step fully into our power
• Move to a new location
• Release unhealthy relationships
• Start a new job, business, project, or hobby
• Make peace with ourselves, others, and the Universe
• Accept a higher level of abundance into our lives

Time for Completion

A completion is a sacred time in our lives that signifies profound closure. It is the end of an old chapter, and the beginning of a new one.

Completion is not about getting rid of anything or anyone from our lives with force. It’s not about fixing anything.

It’s actually about understanding that we have come to a point in our lives where certain contracts, vows, and obligations we’ve had with certain people, places, experiences, and ourselves, have been fulfilled.

Completion means that we have chosen to not run away or avoid something that felt uncomfortable or scary to us, but are facing whatever challenges needed to be faced full-on.

We have learned our lessons, and are no longer in need of recreating that experience in our lives.

Completion can even occur among Soul family members and Soul mates. These seem to be the hardest for most people, because we can remember feeling so connected to these beautiful Spirits at one point.

When a completion happens on a Soul level, a compassionate love still remains. If anything less than compassion remains, completion has not yet fully been achieved.

If you are someone who is experiencing a completion at this time, know that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your journey.

Times like these help us put everything into perspective, and help us appreciate the daily blessings in our lives.
Once a completion happens and the integration has been made, wonderful new adventures await us!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
