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Becoming Your Awakened Self  

September 2016

Hi My Friend,

The momentum of energy has been building, in both our individual lives and in the collective.

The winds of change are blowing through every area of our lives!

Have you been feeling it?

This great shift is becoming more apparent than ever, and it’s stirring up a great deal of energy in our mental, physical, and emotional bodies.

If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered, or emotionally charged than usual, know that all of that is part of the current wave of energy that’s moving us in brand new directions.

Some of these directions may come as a complete surprise, and some may have been years in the making.

Either way, we are in a cycle of great change that will completely shift the landscape of our current reality.

If you are finding your body’s joints or muscles feeling stiffer or tighter than usual, know that this is just feedback, letting you know that there’s room to be more flexible, open, and fluid, especially in your thoughts and beliefs.

Dancing or yoga will greatly help to move any stagnant energies in your body or mind.

Creating Balance

As we move through the next chapter of our journey, we are being asked to create a more balanced existence.

As we enter into a more balanced existence, we will notice that we no longer need to take extreme measures in order to evolve and grow on our journey. We will be able to align with a gentler, more relaxed approach to living our lives.

Creating inner balance can sometimes seem like a foreign concept to the mind. The reason being, that humans have amassed within themselves thousands of years of narrow mental conditions acquired from cultural traditions, social structures, and belief systems.

These mental conditions affect both the conscious and subconscious mind. Many tend to keep us in a state of inner imbalance, which we have come to accept as normal.

We may not even be aware that these conditions are simply a learned behavior.

For example, since the beginning of our experience on this planet, we humans have collectively internalized beliefs rooted in the idea that in order for us to expand, grow, evolve, and experience our desires, our life must be challenging and hard.

This belief is actually a coping mechanism the mind uses to remain rooted in patterns of survival, which it uses to protect itself.

The belief that we have to struggle or work hard for what we want has also served as a kind of initiation for the mind, helping it feel more accomplished and satisfied after overcoming outer obstacles.

But these beliefs have nothing to do with who we truly are.

They are just energetic patterns the mind has identified with for eons, so it could learn lessons, grow, and evolve.

We can be grateful to our ancestors, and all aspects of ourselves from the past and present, for choosing to believe that things had to be limited or hard in order for us to grow and learn from them.

Because all of that brought us to where we are now—to a much more enlightened awareness about ourselves, others, and the world around us.

The energetic baton can now be passed from our unconscious self to our Awakened Self. We can now begin to see that moving through life and its challenges can be easy, joyful, and even fun!

As we move into higher states of consciousness, our Spirit gives us the opportunity to let go of the need to believe life has to be hard in order for us to grow.

From there, we can begin to achieve a balanced state of being.

Are you ready to move in this direction?

If so, just affirm to yourself and out loud to the Universe, “I am ready to expand and evolve with ease, grace, and joy. And so it is!”

Passing the Baton

Right now, there is a significant shift occurring—a kind of passing of the baton.

Personally and collectively, we are being called to shift out of operating from the ego, and into operating from the heart.

The ego has a purpose, and that purpose is simply to observe and fully experience third, fourth, and fifth dimensional reality.

While we were living in the third dimension, the ego forgot that it was the Observer.

The ego decided to identify with survival patterns, which kept it constantly in self-protection mode.

But now, we have a much higher road available to us.

Who would you be if you no longer operated from self-protection mode?

Can you imagine how freeing it would be to live our lives completely open? Loving and trusting that our Spirit is keeping us safe, 24/7?

Well, this is exactly what is happening!

The ego is realizing that it can no longer survive in the old destructive patterns of control, domination, and fear that it identified with and found comfort in for so long.

It's important to note that we learned great lessons from these old patterns. But we no longer need to keep recreating them to receive more lessons on that level.

We are now ready to move on.

During this time, as the baton is being passed from our fear-and-ego-based third dimensional self to our Awakened Self, things appear to be super-chaotic.

This is because the collective ego is having to graduate from a state of ongoing resistance, to a state of openness and compassion.

This shift can feel unsettling for the ego, because it's a creature of habit.

But when the ego realizes how much it will gain and experience by letting go of the need to identify with control, fear, and separation—it will instantly shift into a more conscious and open state of being.

The Completion of Old Agreements

It’s time to release the belief that we are just “small Earth beings,” and to remember fully that we are vast, powerful Universal beings.

Over the next several months, we'll notice that choosing to play “small” will begin to feel impossible. This is our Spirit saying to us, “I can no longer be confined by the belief that I/You are anything less than holy, powerful, and the Universe Itself in physical form.”

Prior to entering the third dimensional experience, many of us signed up to help usher in the great shift that began decades ago.

Through this energy agreement, many of us took on specific obligations, to ensure that the great shift would come to fruition.

We knew that these agreements were not for the faint of heart. Yet out of love for Earth and her people, we volunteered to take them on, knowing we could handle them.

And we've done exactly that.

Now we have reached the expiration date on these agreements. They are becoming null and void in this new consciousness we have manifested.

We now have true freedom—the freedom to choose everything that aligns us with our deepest and most authentic joy!

Difficult conditions and limitations are no longer necessary. If you're someone who has felt that there was some type of resistant force at work in your life, even though you were diligently doing your inner spiritual and re-connective work, you now know why.

It was never personal; it was simply an old agreement that needed to run its full course before it could end.

A Powerful Solar Eclipse

On Thursday, September 1st, we moved through a very powerful annular solar eclipse.

An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon covers the Sun's center, leaving the Sun's visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” around the Moon.

Meditating during a solar eclipse, with the intention of connecting to the Sun, strengthens our own “internal sun,” also known as our power center.

This area is located in our solar plexus, located just above the belly.

During this solar eclipse, all insecurities we have been holding onto, all the false stories keeping us in victim consciousness, can instantly dissolve, simply by our holding the clear intent to dissolve them.

Do the following process in the weeks following the eclipse, to help you activate your “inner sun”:

Close your eyes.

Take several deep breaths, and allow yourself to sink into whatever surface you are sitting or lying on.

Visualize a miniature Sun a few inches or centimeters in front of your solar plexus/higher stomach area.

Watch this Sun pour its golden rays of sacred Sun energy into your solar plexus/higher stomach area.

Feel into the warmth of this Sun energy, and notice how it dissolves all tightness in the stomach area.

After about 1-2 minutes of observing this activation, express gratitude to the Sun for giving you this beautiful moment of Oneness with it.

Bring your awareness back to your five senses, and gently open your eyes.

Drink a glass of water.

Doing this simple process results in a healthy, newfound self-confidence.

It can encourage us to take inspired action towards our highest vision for our life, with greater ease. It will also help us stay in our power, no matter what is happening around us.

This is especially important for empaths and sensitives right now!

As always, take good care, my friend. And always remember that we are all in this together!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,



The Powerful Influx of Light  

August 2016

Hi my friend,

How have you been feeling the past several weeks?

The Intense Energies

The month of July left many empaths and sensitive souls feeling disheartened, confused, and defeated.

On the surface, this might seem like it has to do with the chaos going on in the world, which is constantly delivered to us via media outlets that incite trauma, shock, and fear.

But even if you are not someone who pays close attention to the world’s state of affairs, you’ve probably noticed that you have not felt like your usual self lately.

Why is that?

That is happening because along with the turbulence happening in the world right now, a great deal is coming up internally within us.

This is a direct result of the influx of Light being downloaded into our solar system—and into every cell, fiber, and molecule of our inner and outer being.

This powerful Light is coming directly from Source Energy, with no filters or fillers.

A Powerful Influx of Light

The current high influx of Light is setting a precedent, because never before in human history have we seen this much higher Light come in at one time.

And the reason for that, is that we just could not have handled it before now.

The heartening news is that Source Energy/our Higher Self only gives us what it knows we can handle.

So although it feels like we are being stretched thin or tested in a major way at this time, it’s all part of a Divine Plan that is aligned with our highest and greatest good.

The intention of this Divine Plan is to restore harmony, peace, and sacred balance in the Universe.

When this much Light washes over our planet, deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns come to the surface to be addressed.

Once these things are addressed, we then have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons that help us expand and evolve, both personally and as a global family.

If you are being challenged at this time, you may be feeling disheartened or drained, either emotionally or because you are being triggered by what’s going on in the world right now.

You can move things along more quickly, by asking yourself the following questions:

What valuable lessons am I meant to receive from reacting this way to this experience?
When was the first time I felt triggered by something similar to this experience?
Is my reaction something new? Or does it feel familiar, as if I’ve reacted this way many times before?
How does it serve me to react this way?
What would my life look like if I reacted in a different way, that feels more expansive and productive?

The answers may not come right away.

But the simple act of asking these kinds of questions begins to affect the neurowaves in the brain, shifting our thoughts from autopilot to thinking outside the box.

In simple terms, we are changing our internal dialogue, so we don’t remain fixed in a mindset that keeps us on a mental hamster wheel.

That hamster wheel includes habitual thoughts that express fear, worry, lack, blame, judgment, and separation.

When we help the mind to think outside its usual mix, we get off that wheel.

We then open ourselves up to receive higher insight and wisdom that comes straight from our Higher Self, and from the powerful Light pouring into human consciousness at this time.

Preparing for the New

When we move through a high influx of Light as we are now, and we take that initial step of addressing the deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns that have been holding us back from living our greatest reality, the next step is usually an energetic cleanse.

This is why things have felt really challenging lately. We’ve simultaneously been experiencing a powerful energetic cleanse, just as we are starting to address the things we’re being asked to let go of.

Whether or not we choose to address these unconscious patterns and habits that are no longer for our highest good, the cleanse has nevertheless been in full effect.

The great news is that after a cleanse is complete, we always have the opportunity for a fresh start. And we are getting very close to entering this next phase, where we can start anew.

Before a new start begins, many of us will feel guided to see old friends we have not seen in a very long time.

Some of us feel a pull to visit the hometown or area we grew up in, which we may have left a long time ago.

This pull can also draw us to geographical locations and vortex points we may not have been to before in this lifetime, but knew in a previous lifetime.

Others will feel guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past.

If you are feeling a pull to do any of these things, then you are at the tail end of your cleansing cycle, and are about to enter your New Beginning.

The World Unites

On August 5, 2016, the Summer Olympic Games will begin.

The Olympics were originally created with the intention of promoting comradery, good sportsmanship, and excellence.

Over the years, the energies have evolved to create a global unity grid, bringing the world together in a peaceful way, to show that through teamwork, dedicated practice, and camaraderie, anything is possible.

For several weeks in August, countries around the world will be putting aside their differences and walking together as “One Family.”

This is big, and always creates a major boost in elevating the consciousness of humanity.

During the Olympic games, billions of people around the world will unite.

This unified field will soften our hearts to receive and anchor the higher Light of Source Energy, so that we can then move into our fresh new beginnings.

If you’ve been going through a challenging time, know that things will start to ease up for you soon.

Just remember to breathe, and take time to enjoy the magic life has to offer. Birds still chirp in the morning, and the wind still blows a beautiful breeze.

And though it may not always appear to be so, all is well.

Till next time,

Peace and progress,



Complete Freedom

June 2016

Energy Forecast

Love and blessings!

The energies we've had access to these last few weeks have created a clear path for us, offering amazing revelations about how we can experience complete freedom.

This kind of freedom has been absent from our personal and collective consciousness for thousands of years. But in the late 1950s and early 1960s, aspects of it began to return to human consciousness, and it has been building up ever since.

In fact, as a result of several important global heart gatherings that have taken place this year—along with the anchoring of the Sacred Star grid, enacted on behalf of all humanity on April 15 at the grounds of the United Nations (please see the May 2016 Energy Forecast in the Archives for details)—a massive opening and awakening has occurred in our personal and collective consciousness.

This awakening has finally allowed humanity's collective mind to open up and connect with the frequency of complete freedom, which is now entering our awareness.

I specifically mention the mind here, because our Spirits have always operated in the realm of complete freedom.

Complete freedom has not yet been fully realized in the minds of humanity, because the collective mind taught itself long ago to operate and take comfort in patterns of survival.

These patterns led to the belief that our mind has limitations, and must play by specific rules. It also led to the mind being conditioned with the belief that anything it sees as a potential risk or danger that we're facing in the third dimension is very real. Therefore, it must protect itself at any cost.

This is where humanity's survival patterns began.

The Return of Complete Freedom

The old, deeply rooted survival patterns that we have been identifying with have been coming to the surface in recent weeks. Have you noticed?

This is happening because we are being asked to take a good look at whether we want to continue repeating those survival patterns, or whether we're now ready to move in a direction of complete freedom from the past—freedom from the illusions of limitation and fear we once created for ourselves.

One of the most effective ways we can begin to move into complete freedom, is to question the judgmental or fearful thoughts our mind has about itself, others, and life in general.

For example, let's say your mind has a thought that goes something like:

"Nobody understands or gets me."

Have you ever had a thought similar to this at some point in your life?

If a thought like this ever comes up, ask your mind the following:

"Is this absolutely a 100 percent Universal truth, that no one understands or gets you? And even if that is completely true, do you want things to remain that way?" Simply answer a yes or no here.

If you responded with a yes, I would invite you to consider the following:

Is there any chance that on some unconscious level, you have chosen to be misunderstood, in order to separate yourself from others, as a way of keeping yourself safe and protected?

If there is even a .5 percent chance that the experience of you being misunderstood is simply a defense your mind has created to keep itself safe, to avoid feeling vulnerable around others, then this could be a life-changing moment for you.

Because when we realize that every experience in our lives is a result of us choosing that experience on some level of our being, whether we were aware of it or not, then we no longer need to engage in victim/survival patterns as our truth.

The moment we realize that it has never been about "others" misunderstanding us, but rather about us misunderstanding ourselves, then we take our power back, and become the Creator of our life again.

Let's take another thought may have been deeply ingrained in our consciousness:

"As a spiritual person who offers healing services, I feel it's wrong to accept money for those services."

If you've ever had a thought like this one come up, ask yourself:

"Do I know this to be an absolute truth? And if so, what has led me to believe this idea is true?"

See what comes up for you. It could be a thought that stems from a religious upbringing in this lifetime, or a belief that comes from a past lifetime, in which you equated poverty with being more spiritual.

It could just be that you've seen so many people misuse their power, especially when it came to their relationship with money, that you decided to judge and place blame on money itself, deeming it unworthy of your time, energy, or space.

But can you imagine how traumatized your best friend would be if you blamed them for all of the world's problems? Well, money is no different! It has an awareness. It feels and responds to our feelings toward it, and it wants to be of help to us.

Money was originally meant to be a symbol that represents an exchange of energy. This exchange is part of a Universal energy-balancing system, known as the Principle of Circulation. This also means that the energy that money represents is alive, and has always been alive.

You can imagine what happens, when we treat any area of life in a way that is unkind and unloving, therefore separating it from us.

If we did that to a best friend or a partner, they would run in the other direction, and never want to see us again.

When we look at the belief that says, "As a spiritual person who offers healing services, I should not accept money," we can clearly see that that is a judgment we have decided to make.

As a result of this judgment, we have not only blocked ourselves from allowing an exchange of energy that honors our time and efforts. We have also dishonored the energy of money itself, which is simply the energy of giving and receiving love.

That decision might have been based on our judgment of how some people treat money (with greed, for example). We then decided to judge money in terms that do not honor ourselves, or money's sacred role in the world.

You can see that when we begin to question our thoughts, we create an opening in our consciousness through which we can expand into higher states of consciousness, and ultimately, into complete freedom.

If you're feeling any resistance toward what you've just read, or experiencing any guilt or sadness about judgments and beliefs you've held in the past, know that those ideas were formed during a time when we were all simply doing the best we could with what we knew at the time.

In the past, our mind simply chose to operate in survival mode, which is another way of saying that it decided to make protecting itself its ultimate priority.

But what if it no longer needs to use patterns of separation and fear to protect itself?

What if the mind can finally remember that our Spirit has kept us safe all along, even when we thought otherwise?

Doesn't that free up space for us to try new things that will help us expand into greater states of aliveness, awareness, and being?

The mind has become very comfortable in identifying with survival patterns, so that when celestial openings occur in our personal and global consciousness, it experiences a lot of discomfort.

Our only job when that happens, is to be a compassionate presence for the mind as it adjusts and shifts out of the old patterns. This requires that we simply observe the mind's resistance, without trying to fix, change, or save it.

Just observe and send it love, and the mind will no longer feel like it needs to resist the shifts that are happening. The mind can then, in its own time, relax into our warmth and compassion, as a child would feel safe in the loving arms of their parent or caregiver.

The Effects of Embracing Complete Freedom

As we continue doing our inner work and letting go of survival patterns, embracing the complete freedom to be our full Divine Selves, we may notice some changes, such as:

• We release the need to blame everyone else for the issues that show up in our lives
• We take full responsibility that on some level, we have chosen to move through each experience to learn and grow from it, and to receive clarity on what we really want to create
• We release the need to please others just to fit in or be liked
• We express our truth in ways that are in alignment with our highest good
• We try new things that help us expand
• We enter new relationships based on honoring and celebrating each other's freedom, rather than being possessive or controlling
• We develop a deep connection with Spirit that surpasses all logic
• We let go of needing to micromanage our lives and the lives of others
• We make ourselves the first priority in our lives
• We don't hide anymore—we learn to operate from the most authentic and honest part of ourselves
• We start to live life to the fullest, rather than just going through each day feeling uninspired, and going through the motions of what we've been told we "should" do
• We feel a deeper sense of love and compassion for all of life, including ourselves, our inner child, other people, our experiences, and our journey
• We operate in a world of eternal abundance and joy
• We create physical, mental, and emotional balance and well-being in all areas of our lives

So the next time your mind tries to convince you that the energies we're moving through are challenging, remember some of the amazing results of being free!

Then be that compassionate presence for your mind, so that as emotional triggers come to the surface, it can move through them with greater ease.


If you have been participating in your inner work during the past few months as a result of all the shifts going on around us, you may have noticed the desire to laugh a lot more lately, to play, and to just feel like a kid again.

This is a confirmation that you are entering the next phase of your journey, which is to be an enlightened being.

One of the greatest effects of experiencing complete freedom, is that we become enlightened beings.

Enlightenment is not about spending your whole life sitting on top of a mountain and praying. Although if that brings you joy and fulfillment, it very well could lead to it.

Enlightenment simply means "to lighten up."

Most people, especially those who are a part of the spiritual/new age movement, have a tendency to take themselves and life way too seriously.

My personal observation is that that's because of their empathic nature, and the desire to want to "fix humanity." They decide that they have to save the world, so they place a big responsibility on their shoulders that was not really for them to take on in the first place.

If you are still choosing to create this kind of reality for yourself, just ask yourself:

How does it serve me to believe that I have to save the world?

See what comes up. At the core, it could just be that you believe that you need to save yourself, including saving yourself from having to feel another's pain.

But in reality, how can you save someone who is already perfect?

The Universe/your Higher Self are perfect. They have never been anything less than that. It's just that the mind needed to distract itself through the years, to keep itself inside a reality that it felt was safe. So it took on the need to fix and change things—to try to make everything all right, so it could feel safe again.

In fact, the moment we let go of the need to rescue—the moment we choose to lighten up, enjoy life, and no longer sweat the small stuff—we achieve an enlightened state of being.

Can you imagine what the world will look like when everyone lets their guard down, and allows themselves to play? To joyfully appreciate the gifts life offers them?

Well, believe it or not ... this is the reality we are headed towards. And it begins with each of us. It begins with each of us choosing to commit to ourselves, to accept that now we get to enjoy life. To have fun, and to play again.

That is complete freedom!

So are you willing to enter into a reality of complete freedom?

Till next time,

Peace and progress,



The Sacred Star Rises 

May 2016


Beautiful friend,

How good it is to know that we have the opportunity to connect in this way. There's a lot for us to catch up on, so let's get right to it.

The Sacred Star Rises

On April 15, 2016 at 1:11 pm ET / 6:11 pm GMT (World Time), a global unconditional love healing activation took place at the United Nations building, so that peace and compassion could sweep over the planet in a very real and palpable way.

Little did we know that much more than that was about to occur.

During the healing activation, a sleeping giant awakened, known as the Merkaba of humanity. More on that in just a moment.

Although the ground zero (middle point) of the global healing activation took place at the United Nations, it was the support of thousands of Lightworkers, Way-Showers, Healers, and Empaths from around the world that ensured the full awakening of the sacred Merkaba (also known as the Ascension Star) in the consciousness of humanity.

This was unprecedented, because up until April 15, the Merkaba (or Mer-Ka-Ba) of most of humanity had lain dormant and nonfunctional, due to the fact that most people were still operating from the mind, rather than the heart.

This has now changed, and I'll share why a bit later in the forecast.

What is the Mer-Ka-Ba?

The word Mer-Ka-Ba comes from the ancient Egyptian term for Lightbody: Mer is Light, Ka is spirit, and Ba is body. The Mer-Ka-Ba is an electro-magnetic field, shaped in a uniquely configured pattern of sacred geometry.

This energy field is found in all living things in Creation. Its pattern is formed in the shape of a star tetrahedron—a three-dimensional, eight-pointed star in the shape of two pyramids, one inside the other.

 mt 01

One of the main roles of the Mer-Ka-Ba is to align the mind, body, and heart. This alignment then allows the Merkaba to serve as the vehicle that transports the Spirit and the body into higher states of existence and higher dimensions. This usually manifests in several ways.

The Mer-Ka-Ba is often awakened through specific, dedicated meditative breathing methods and mindfulness-expanding practices. It can also be awakened through consistent acts and thoughts of pure love, service, compassion, acceptance, integrity, and kindness. The Self would also be included as one of the recipients of these gifts.

The Merkaba is the manifestation of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within all living things. The Merkaba also balances the Feminine and Masculine energy within all living things, creating an environment for a peaceful existence, which then becomes each being's default vibrational setting. It enables us to experience expanded states of awareness, and restores the full remembering of who we are as Spiritual Beings.

Even though each living being has its own Merkaba, together we also have a collective Merkaba.

Together, on April 15, 2016, thousands of us awakened the Merkaba of humanity.

Humanity's Merkaba

When the collective Merkaba is dormant, no matter how much of our time we dedicate to our spiritual practice, more often than not, it still feels quite challenging, like we're climbing a tall mountain.

But now that together we have awakened humanity's Merkaba, more and more people around the world will awaken to the truth of who they really are.

This will make it much easier for us to expand our own individual consciousness, remain steadfast in our spiritual practice, share our spiritual gifts openly, and feel more connected to our Higher Self than ever before. To those who are quite spiritual, this is the "Holy Grail" we often hear about from the ancient texts: "As above, so below."

In addition, the fear that the collective has been choosing to take part in will take a major backseat over the coming days, months, and years, as a result of humanity's awakened Merkaba. As this happens, feeling connected to our Spirit and to one another, and practicing acts of compassion for all of life, will take center stage.

Instead of just going through the mundane motions of the old day-to-day patterns of life, to just "get by," our desire and motivation to feel truly alive will emerge at the forefront.

Many of us are already feeling this now, and it's just the beginning! Can you imagine what the world will look like when people actually start choosing to feel alive through natural means, rather than numbing themselves through outdated patterns of fear and victim consciousness?

This is BIG. It will collectively move us even more quickly in the direction of holistic, organic, transparent, green living.

How did all of this happen?

Each person who was able to be physically present at the April 15 event at the United Nations served as an ambassador of peace and compassion on behalf of all humanity.

Each person who attended became a surrogate for the thousands of people around the world who joined us in Spirit at the exact time of the global healing activation.

Those who joined us in Spirit held the space of the "compassionate observer," serving as the I AM presence, and anchoring nourishing and healing vibrations of compassion, unconditional love, and acceptance for all of humanity, including themselves.

The observers acknowledged that humanity has simply done the best that it could with the amount of awareness that it has had over time.

Those who served as compassionate observers may have felt an overwhelming sense of joy, and may have been moved to tears due to the amount of Love and Life being poured into our collective consciousness at that moment.

Those of us who were physically present at the United Nations combined our energies to form an energetic global Unconditional Love and Christ Consciousness grid. ("Christ" as in the original Greek word christos, meaning "crystalline" or Light-based consciousness.)

We began by looking into each other's eyes and affirming the following:

"I see you, I love you, and I know who you really are. On behalf of humanity, I am so sorry that you may have ever felt otherwise. I see you, I love you, and I know who you really are. Thank you for seeing, loving, and knowing who I really am. We are One family. And so it is!"

We made sure to include all of our multidimensional selves from past, present, and future. We also included all of our ancestors, guides, and Beings of Light in service to the Law of One on all levels, lifetimes, and languages. The word "healing" in that moment became an understatement, as to what began taking place.

We then each visualized ourselves lovingly holding a miniature Earth in our hands, the size of a basketball. These mini-Earths acted as surrogates to our actual Earth.

We then visualized these mini-Earths being drenched with unconditional love and compassion from our heart space. We saw this love from our heart as represented by the Pink Crystal Light of the Divine Feminine, and the Emerald Green Crystal Light of the Divine Masculine.

We saw these luminous lights radiate outwards from our hearts, braiding themselves together and saturating every cell, fiber, and molecule of the Earths in our hands, and of every living being inhabiting the Earth.
We then held hands and merged our visions together, to anchor them into One unified Light field of Unconditional Love and Christ Consciousness. We affirmed that the heart and mind of every being on the planet now be fully restored to their most pristine and awakened state, in the highest and most Divine timing for them.

During this part of the global healing activation, many of us could feel the Earth beneath us move. Mind you, we were in a tall skyscraper, and I will share the significance of that shortly.

The amount of love in the room was very thick and palpable to everyone there. Something even deeper than what we had at first intended had just occurred, though no one could really put their finger on it ... yet.

Amazing Synchronicities

After the global healing activation was completed, many synchronicities began to occur. I will share the biggest one with you.

The following day, at my next healing event in New York City, one of our "peace and compassion" ambassadors who had attended the U.N. event shared the following with me.

As she is a local, she mentioned that Manhattan itself is actually a sacred vortex, because of the magnetic crystals underneath the city. She mentioned that the only way that the land is able to sustain so many tall buildings, like no other city in the world can, is because of these powerful crystals underneath it.

Many of us know that crystals are amplifiers of energy. But we hadn't realized that they would amplify our energy!

The "goose bump" moment came when that day, several of the guests who had also attended the U.N. event were mentioning the dreams they'd had the night before. Several of them were freaking each other out, because they were finding that they had all had similar dreams.

Now, I wouldn't usually get too involved in a conversation taking place among guests at an event, but I quickly realized that what they were sharing was almost exactly what I had seen and experienced in my own dreams the night before!

The shared dream/vision the five of us had had (and none of us had ever met before that day) was of a golden, sacred geometric, grid-like veil that came down from the sky and anchored itself over the whole planet, falling gently down upon the Earth and covering it like a golden blanket.

The way they were describing this grid-like veil was right in alignment with what I had seen in my own dream.

The pattern of this grid was in the shape of a star tetrahedron—the three-dimensional, eight-pointed star made from the combining of two pyramids.

A Merkaba!

Holy moly! We all freaked out with excitement and acted like little kids for a bit, giving each other the biggest hugs I think I've ever experienced.

I knew that this was the confirmation I needed to fully understand what had taken place the day before, at the United Nations event. It still blows my mind to think about it.

There were a few other confirmations and synchronicities, but this one was the most relevant and specific to the awakening of humanity's Merkaba.

Connecting with the Merkaba

If you would like to connect even more with the energies of the Merkaba, so that it can support your continued spiritual expansion, I recommend printing out a picture of one that you really enjoy, and looking at it several times a day.

You could also put this picture underneath your bed, so that its energies are present, lifting and expanding your own energies as you sleep.


There are also Merkaba pendants and other fun 3D version of them that you can wear or have in your home.

The After Effects and the Five Retrogrades

Of course, when the collective timeline shifts in significant ways, such as what took place on April 15, the after effects are not always a matter of rainbows and butterflies. The integration period can sometimes feel challenging, because the mind is being asked to literally stretch out of its previous patterns.

So if the past few weeks have been challenging for you, know that you are simply being expanded.

We also have five planets in retrograde right now, giving us the opportunity to completely shed the illusions and triggers that no longer serve our highest good.

I will share a quick overview of what planets are currently in retrograde, and what that means for us:

Jupiter – Jupiter is in retrograde until May 9. Since Jupiter is all about wealth, and being in our power, this retrograde may be bringing up opportunities for us to look at and heal any patterns of lack and of giving our power away that we may still be engaged in.

Mercury – Mercury is in retrograde until May 22. Since Mercury is all about communication, this retrograde may be bringing up opportunities for us to look at and heal any patterns of not communicating enough, or of communicating in ways that are not aligned with the most authentic, honest part of ourselves.

The key to moving through Mercury in retrograde is to speak the truth with kindness and compassion. If it is not expressed in this way, then the way we deliver or speak is probably something that we would want to look at and heal.

Mars – Mars is in retrograde until June 29. Mars is often associated with turbulence and combat, yet a more expanded perspective would be to see it as a type of fiery passion.

This means that during a retrograde, triggers that have been beneath the surface of our close relationships could come to light right now, so that they can be healed and resolved once and for all. The key to moving through Mars retrograde is to completely let go of pride, and to be open and vulnerable with those closest to us.

SaturnSaturn is in retrograde until August 13. Saturn is often associated with karma. This means that during a retrograde, we are receiving almost a double dose of karmic intensity.

This doesn't necessarily have to be a challenging experience, if we allow ourselves to put out into the world the kind of energy we would like to receive back. The effects will be pretty immediate, in terms of how we experience the world around us, because our world is simply a reflection of how we choose to see and treat ourselves.

Pluto – Pluto is in retrograde until September 26. Pluto is often associated with transformation. This means that during a retrograde, we have the opportunity to recreate ourselves and make a new start. Big breakthroughs will be the theme, especially on a personal level.

We can experience these breakthroughs by remaining flexible, engaged, and focused on the inner guidance that leads us to take inspired action. This is the time to fully invest our energy in healing ourselves, and to introduce innovative concepts into our lives, so that greater fulfillment and expansion can occur.

Phew, that's a lot of retrogrades! However, once Jupiter moves out of retrograde on May 9, it will lighten the energies significantly, especially in conjunction with the effects of the other four planetary retrogrades.

Doors that felt closed will open up, and greater ease and abundance will show up for those who have been doing the inner work, helping them to let go of the need to identify with a lack mentality.

Overall, so much expansion is happening right now, for all of us. Drink lots of water, take good care of yourself, and know that you are loved beyond measure.

Till next time,

Peace and progress,



Connecting to the New Earth Grid  

April 2016

Dear Friend,

It's always a gift for me to be able to connect with you in this way.

In the last Forecast, I mentioned that we would leave March completely different from how we entered it.

If you are someone who pays close attention to the inner and outer world, you've probably noticed that, whether they feel to be subtle or not so subtle, big changes are occurring in your life, and in the world.

These changes were greatly supported by the celestial alignments that took place last month, which you can review in the Energy Forecast archives.
Where Are We Now?

Although there was a great deal of movement and action that occurred in March, there was also a lot of uncertainty, instability, and what seemed to be doors closing all over the place.
If you are someone who experienced more of the latter, by the end of March you saw glimpses of greater clarity, stability, and opportunities to progress forward.

The New Earth Grid

Right now, we are in a special window of time where we get to anchor and materialize the New Earth Grid in quantum leaps. This was already set into motion decades ago by many Way-Showers, Healers, Empaths, and Lightworkers.

We are so grateful to those who have paved the way for all of us to be here now.
Although the New Earth Grid has been decades in the making, there is a very concentrated timeline over the next few months that, when utilized, will help to materialize a huge leap forward in the consciousness of humanity.

This will also show up in ways that will bring us together with our Soul Tribes. This Soul Tribe will reflect back to us a sense of "home" and "safety."

It's important to be mindful of the people entering our lives in the next few months, as many of them will be part of the Soul Tribe that will help us to connect more with the New Earth Grid.

The New Earth Grid is the golden thread of love and Divine logic that is building the resilient and unwavering foundation of the New Earth Matrix, now rising from every corner of the planet.

How to Connect with the New Earth Grid

There are many ways to connect to the New Earth Grid. The simplest, quickest, and most effective way will be highlighted in this Forecast.

Authenticity and Transparency

One of the most effective things we can do to instantly connect with the New Earth Grid is to be completely honest—first and foremost, with ourselves, and then with the world around us.

The first step is to take a quick inventory of where in our lives we are already being completely authentic, honest, and transparent, and what other areas might benefit from having more of these qualities.

Being honest and authentic is not to be mistaken with being intentionally unkind, rude, or hurtful, especially in the way we deliver our truth. The latter behaviors have no room in the New Earth Grid.
Some simple questions we can ask ourselves to help evoke greater authenticity are, "What are the things that matter the most to me in life?" And "Who am I when I express myself freely and fully from the heart?"

A Willingness to Truly Heal

Often when we heal from a seeming imbalance in our lives, a large burden that had occupied our attention is lifted out of our energy.

Although the Spirit loves to travel light, the mind sometimes takes a bit longer to be convinced, simply because it has grown accustomed to the burdens it has carried.

There are different levels of willingness, especially when it comes to healing. For many people, it's not until their thoughts feel increasingly uncomfortable that they are ready and willing to heal and let go of the stories they have identified with for so long.

These are the stories that the mind uses to reinforce the idea that one is broken or lacking in some way. Essentially, these are the stories that create victim/survival consciousness, which is actually the lowest aspect of humanity's consciousness.

However, we are in a unique time now, where we no longer need to identify with or operate from victim consciousness. We have the opportunity to shift our personal and collective timelines, so that we can truly begin to operate from the most empowered and sovereign part of ourselves.

This is also known as the Spirit/Goddess/God/Higher Self aspect of ourselves.
So the question then becomes, are we truly willing and ready to heal?
Meaning, are we willing to let go of the dramatic patterns, the insecurities, the stories, the fear, worry, lack, addictions, guilt, shame, self-sabotage, blame, or any other behaviors that affirm victim consciousness?

Once we get an inner "Yes," we can then begin asking questions like, "Who am I outside of the limiting stories my mind has identified with?" and "What steps am I willing to take to find that out?"

If you are finding that you are not healing as quickly as you would like–"healing" being just another word for remembering the wholeness, perfection, and abundance that has been within and around you all along—then invite your mind to contemplate on how it may still be identifying with the old victim consciousness.

The mind might immediately resist, and think something like, "I don't want the old patterns! I really want to heal." However, question it. Ask, "Do you really want to heal? Because clearly, you are still finding comfort in the old discomfort."

Once you begin questioning your mind in this way, it begins to light up parts of the brain that have been dormant.

These are the parts that allow for the highest wisdom and insight to come through, loud and clear.

Love Unconditionally

The idea of love has gone through many misinterpretations in most societies.
We've been taught through religions, doctrines, media, and traditions that in order to experience love, we have to worry about it, search outside ourselves for it, sacrifice for it, experience pain and heartbreak over it, suffer for it, give up things we want to have it, believe it's conditional/we have to earn it, and so on.

Real love is always easy, unconditional, expansive, joyful, eternal, steadfast, and nonjudgmental. It's simply the way people have misinterpreted love that has created the illusion that it's anything less than those qualities.

During the next few months, one of the most important things we can do to connect with the New Earth Grid, is to rediscover what love really is, and then begin to rise in love. First and foremost, with ourselves, then with the world around us.

For so many generations, most of humanity has been taught that it is wrong for us to love and honor ourselves in the same way we are supposed to love and honor others.

This tradition is actually one of the main reasons why humanity once moved away from knowing the Divinity of who we really are.

We were taught to look outside of ourselves for the answer, when it was within every fiber of our being all along.

Thank goodness those days are winding down quickly, and that people are understanding more and more that in order to be the most expanded, open, happy, and loving version of ourselves in the world, we must first start by truly loving ourselves. To the mind, this may not come easily, simply because we have not been taught how to love ourselves.

So we can ask ourselves some questions, such as, "How would unconditional love treat me, if it was embodied in a person? And how can I open up to being this person?"

I would invite you to make a list of all the ways an unconditionally loving person would treat you.
Are they generous, kind, nonjudgmental, fun, playful, respectful? Do they make you feel seen, heard, appreciated? Do they make you gifts, sing to you, take you on special nature walks? And of course, the list goes on.

It's always wonderful to connect with a Soul Mate from our Soul Tribe—someone who can mirror these qualities back to us. Yet in order for that to happen the way we truly desire deep down, we need to begin showing up as our own Soul Mate first.

Seeing the Signs

From now until September, some of the biggest changes in our lives and in the world also have the opportunity to be some of the most breathtakingly beautiful ones.

If we are someone who has allowed our mind to remain focused on all the things that are not working in our lives, we may (for the moment) miss these experiences that are happening right under our nose.

But if we are someone who makes a conscious decision to be authentic and loving as often as we can, while being proactive and committed to our inner healing journey ... then get ready for the party of many lifetimes to begin!

A Clarion Call

On April 15th, at 1:11 pm Eastern / 10:11 am Pacific / 6:11 pm UK Time, I will be at the United Nations in New York, facilitating a global healing for every living being on our planet, at the heart of where world diplomacy occurs.

We all know that things must continue to change and evolve, in order for a new day to emerge for all of humanity to come together as One family.

Together, we are already making many strides in raising the consciousness of humanity, and key events like this one at the United Nations will magnify everything we've achieved, and anchor profound healing for the hearts of every living being on the planet.

If you would like to receive and take part in the profound healing that will be taking place on this special day, simply mark the day and time of the event on your calendar: April 15th at 1:11 pm Eastern Time (New York).

During that time, please pause for a few minutes and send a clear intention to the Universe that your presence be included in the global healing and activation of unconditional love and light that will be taking place at that time, for all of humanity.

This is going to be one of the BIGGEST things you and I have ever done together.

Please share this far and wide with your friends and family, so we can make sure everyone who wants to experience and contribute to greater peace, joy, love, healing, and abundance for all, has the opportunity to do so now.

If you happen to be in the New York area, please click on the banner below to find out how you can join me in person.


Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
