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It's Time

November 2011

Blessings my beautiful friend,

It's such an honor to reconnect with you once again. We've entered the time we have long prepared ourselves for: The time our ancient civilizations & ancestors have talked about for thousands of years. It's time, we're here, and nothing will ever be the same again.

What is it time for? The time (or I call it no-time) has come, for each one of us to say 'YES' to being our truest selves. It's time to lift the veils of illusion we created for ourselves all these years keeping us from connecting with our most Holy Self. For many years, the world taught us to look outside of ourselves for fulfillment. With that, we were lead to believe that we were small & insignificant. Now, we have reached a pivotal point in our history where the collective begins to turn within, reclaim our power, and awaken to our Goddess/God Self.

There is absolutely not one other being in all the Universes that is exactly like you. You are one in infinity! You are so special & perfect as you are, because you are Divinity itself in physical form expressing itself as the uniqueness that is you. You are revered across time, space, and dimensions simply because “you are you.”

As we begin to integrate this deep inner knowing of who we are into our daily lives, we notice it becomes easier to recognize the Divinity in others and everything around us. I like to call this Divine Remembrance.

The Gift of Recognition

Through Divine Remembrance, we are choosing to look beyond the illusions we may have felt made up our previous reality. One of the greatest gifts we can give to others is the gift of fully seeing, hearing, and recognizing them for who they really are.

This is exactly what many of those beings who walked on our Earth known as Awakened Masters were able to do. These beings stood out, because they chose to come at a time when the collective consciousness was heavy in their sleep state. Through simple recognition, these beings were able to plant the seed of Divine Remembrance within each person they encountered. This process has led us to this present point in time where everyone is becoming an Awakened Master.

When we see, hear, and recognize others fully, we are embodying the highest energy of unconditional love in physical form. Think about it, if every person on the planet felt they were fully seen, heard, and recognized, there would no longer be any wars, dis-ease, or chaos in the world.

To fully see, hear, and recognize ourselves and others fully, we are required to anchor ourselves in the present moment. I'd like to share a recent personal experience I had that reminded me of how important this was. I was invited to attend an event that promoted gratitude and unity. Most of you know that I absolutely adore anything that has to do with gratitude and unity, so I decided to check this event out with the intentions of connecting with others who were consciously choosing to create more of these energies in their lives as well.

So, as the evening went on I began to observe a few interesting things. I noticed that the people who had actually put the event together were in their own corner alienating themselves from everyone else except for a select few who they knew already. It was as if they had forgotten there was anyone else there (40-50 other people in fact.) These were the same spiritual people promoting themselves as being all about unity & gratitude. At first, I just thought that maybe it was because they were putting some kind of presentation together or that they were being shy, however when I realized that wasn't the case, I decided to introduce myself and make a connection.

Have you ever been around someone & realized they are not fully there with you? As the observer, that's what I began to notice after briefly speaking to those that put the event together. After about 30 minutes, many people began to leave the event. I decided I would stay a bit longer to see if those who had put the event together would come around & make a connection with those of us who were new. When I realized that wasn't going to happen, I graciously thanked them for putting on the event & left.

What an amazing lesson this experience was. It reconfirmed to me the importance of being present when connecting with others, and being willing to fully see, hear, & recognize them. It makes such a difference. The potential was completely there for this event & everyone who attended it to anchor even more gratitude & unity consciousness for the collective if only a bit of recognition was provided by those who put the event together. This experience was just one of many examples we all may go through whether it be in our family, social, or work life. I also wanted to highlight this specific experience, because it is happening even in seeming conscious movements. This experience taught me that whether we are connecting with one friend, or connecting with a group, the greatest gift we can provide to others is the gift of true recognition/remembrance which is basically another way of saying "I love you."

Thinning of the Veils

At the end of October, the veils began thinning even more quickly. How does this thinning of the veils manifest in our lives?

Our dreams are becoming lucid to the point that we now 'know' & see proof that we are doing 'work' in other realms of existence. We may notice that even if we wake up from the dream for a few minutes or for a full day, it's much easier to pick up where we left off in that same dream experience when we go back to sleep.

Many of us are also starting to see things from an energetic perspective. This can show up as seeing the aura of others, animals & nature (trees, flowers, morning dew etc.) We may also see balls of blue, pink, white, or golden light in our peripheral vision. These are energetic beings of light that have always been with us. Some of us may also see sparks (almost like mini shooting stars) often, which I have personally come to understand as some kind of confirmation. I realized this, because every time I saw them, a higher thought would come in, or I was doing something that felt completely in alignment with the flow of life. It's becoming easier to see energy with our eyes now. It may take a bit getting used to it, because for so long it was more about feeling & seeing energy only with our inner sight. However, soon it will become a very regular part of life (if it hasn't already been for many of us.)

As the veils continue to dissolve, our ability to connect with & hear our intuition will become more magnified. I usually call the messages from our intuition 'wisdom downloads.' These wisdom downloads can happen at anytime and always offer us the perfect message we need to receive.

Our telepathic skills are also becoming more developed at this time. In the past, our telepathic skills were stronger with people we only shared deep connections with. Soon, (for many it's already been happening) we will have the ability to telepathically communicate with everyone in the same way. We may notice it already happening when we meet a person for the first time. We begin to receive messages from them, and for some of us it may feel almost like we are judging them. The key is to not identify the message we receive from them as good or bad. Remaining neutral and allowing ourselves to just be the observer will keep us out of moving into judgment.

All of these beautiful gifts are simply a result of remembering who we are. The more we remember, the more of our special gifts we will tap into.

Divine Digest

Recently, while facilitating a session for my Healing Circle, I received an important message around our ability to Digest that I felt is going on for all of us at this time. What I got was that during times of great change, we may notice our digestive system either becoming a little sluggish or going into overdrive. This usually starts on the energetic level where we are unconsciously choosing not to fully digest (receive) information/energy from our current experiences. (Usually stems from our lack of trust in the Universe)

When we digest something whether it's on an energetic or physical level, we are simply choosing to accept & understand it. Being able to digest (receive) simply puts us back in the natural flow of life, which usually comes from trusting that the Universe is always taking good care of us. If we are someone who is experiencing a bit of imbalance in our digestive system, we can simply use it as a feedback to receive from & trust in the Universe.

11:11:11 A Divine Opening

11.11.11 is a very special doorway giving us an amazing opportunity to anchor in Unity Consciousness into our collective experience. For so long it has just been a concept our ancient ancestors may have prayed about, and now we have the chance to actually make it a collective reality. The important thing to understand is that this doorway is not so much about the actual date of November 11th, 2011, since in numerology 11.11.11 happened in the year 2009 where 2 + 9 = an 11 year. This coming November 11th will serve as a focal point where millions of people around the world come together in joyful celebration to consciously anchor in Unity Consciousness. It's this focused intent of the collective that will change the landscape of our world forever. It's time, isn't it exciting?

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2011 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


What is 'really' happening right now

Hi my beautiful friend, What a powerful month September has been! The loose ends have & are still being tied up, the preparations have been made, and the chords to the out-dated fear matrix many have still been holding on to are now being severed. With so much inner and outer transformation happening, it's only natural to feel a bit disoriented and ask questions like "What is really happening right now?"

A Preface

Long ago, there was a global society that co-existed in peace, with core foundations based on love, openness, respect, kindness, service, and unity. This society thrived, because most of its inhabitants honored both the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energies within themselves and each other. The balance between the feminine & masculine energies each person embodied was reflected in the balanced world they had created.

Then, a movement began. This movement was one of great forgetfulness. From one generation to the next, people began to disconnect from remembering who they really were. They forgot that they were literally Divinity in physical form. They forgot that they were Goddesses & Gods who could instantly create & un-create whatever their heart desired. Instead, they began to get caught up in the illusion of third dimensional density. This illusion was highly fueled by the need to survive. So, life became less about conscious creating, and more about surviving. And so, the lower collective projections of the feminine & masculine energies were formed.

The Collective Projection of Feminine & Masculine Energy

*Disclaimer - When speaking of feminine or masculine energy, we are not limiting it to one gender or the other. There are many men who anchor a great deal of feminine energy & there are many women who anchor a great deal of masculine energy. We are looking past the physical identities & stories we've created for ourselves, and communicating on an energetic level.

Throughout the 'Great Forgetfulness' period as I like to call it, we as a collective began to paint a picture of what we thought both the feminine and masculine energies represented.

We began to project on to the masculine energy that it represents the energies of domination, control, manipulation, greed, and competition. And, that’s exactly what we manifested into our collective experience. It became all about an “us vs. them mentality.” This type of reality heavily revolves on looking outside one's self for fulfillment.

At the same time, we began to collectively project on to the feminine energy that it represented weakness and inferiority, while carrying the responsibility to remain mute. And, that’s exactly what we were manifesting into our collective experience. For thousands of years, we have seen women and men continue to be oppressed from being their true full self. Of course, this was all part of the role we created for ourselves so that we could collectively play the game of forgetfulness.

An important thing to note is that no matter how deep it seemed we fell into our forgetful period, there's always a part of us that has never forgotten who we really are. This part of us is our Spirit. Our Spirit knew that eventually throughout different lifetimes & experiences, we would one day fully learn all the lessons we signed up for and come around and remember our Divinity once again.

Anchoring the Highest Aspects of Feminine & Masculine Energies

For the past few decades, an epic healing and releasing of our out-dated projections towards the feminine and masculine energies that date back thousand of years has been occurring at lightning speed.

Many are now remembering and anchoring the highest aspects of both the feminine & masculine energies with themselves once again, which in turn is completely shifting the collective consciousness.

What do both the sacred feminine and sacred masculine energies represent in their highest forms? The feminine energy is all about nurturing and anchoring the Divine Spark within all existence. The feminine energy is the powerful force that manifests from the invisible into the visible realms through the gifts of creativity, love, beauty, and nurturing. The masculine energy is all about vision, intent, & action. So combined, the feminine & masculine energies bring forth Divinity into physical form.

Divine Mama Waits No More

Although it may be manifesting in many ways for people right now, what 'really' is happening is a great remembrance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies, and a re-balance between the two. For so long, our planet had allowed the lower (collectively projected) aspect of the masculine energy to control everything. This lower masculine aspect within each of us was controlling our thoughts, actions, monetary systems, governments, religions, and the entire world itself. Then, a great turning point happened. People collectively decided that there absolutely had to be another way to co-exist than living in a fear-based world dominated by masculine energy. So, with a Divine unconscious (conscious for a few) decree by humanity, the Divine Feminine within each of us listened and re-awakened. Wow!

How is the anchoring of the Divine Feminine showing up in our lives? Just take a look around and you will notice it everywhere. Let's begin in our personal lives. Women & men who have allowed others to control them, whether it’s in their marriages, friendships, or work partnerships are no longer tolerating this type of behavior anymore. They are standing up for themselves and stepping into their authentic power! Many people are also feeling a strong pull to redefine their purpose in life. They are no longer settling for anything that doesn't make their heart sing. This redefining of purpose could leave many people a bit confused and frustrated, however just know that because there is a great inner shift happening right now, soon each person will have the clarity they need when it comes to living out their highest purpose.

Many men who used to embody a great amount of the old masculine energies are now quickly realizing their old ways are no longer allowed to continue forward. These men (and some women who embody high amounts of masculine energy) are having a really tough time transitioning out of their old masculine identity, because they are still very much in their mind. However, they are being given the opportunity to embrace, love, and unite with the Divine Feminine energy so that they can embody a new blueprint of the Divine Masculine Energy. Therefore, the new Divine Masculine represents an equal balance between both feminine and masculine energy. The Divine Masculine is less about being in the mind, and more about being in the heart.

Another shift happening right now is that many women are noticing many of the men who embody the Divine Masculine energies in their lives are treating them like Goddesses. These men are feeling guided to embrace, pamper, honor, and cater to women in ways many have not in a long time. To those ladies (and some men) receiving this special attention, I suggest you fully give yourself permission to enjoy and receive it, because it has been long overdue, and is part of the balance that is coming in at this time. By allowing the masculine energy to honor you, you are in turn honoring the masculine energy.

Globally we are seeing the exact same thing happen. All systems that were once based on the lower aspect of masculine energy are having to either completely re-invent themselves by integrating with the Divine Feminine, or they are dismantling before our eyes. We can see evidence of this in the Middle East, Africa etc., the monetary systems, the shifting of governments, and the way people are doing business. There are so many conscious businesses forming with a greater intention of serving the world, instead of the old prototype of taking from the world.

Embracing the Divine Feminine Within

If we are someone who is really struggling at this time (whether we are female or male), it could very well have to do with the fact that we are not fully embracing the Divine Feminine within ourselves. There are many ways to do this. Getting creative through dance, arts, music, and healing are highly recommended. Also, making sure to nurture our physical, emotional, and mental bodies will allow us to ride the wave of the Divine Feminine energies pouring in at this time. Each person has their own unique form of self nurturing, whether it’s breakfast in bed, taking a day off work to spoil yourself, meditation, etc... nurturing ourselves is an essential part of anchoring the Divine Feminine energy within in the world. As we nurture ourselves, we begin to naturally nurture the world around us, and that my friend is a very beautiful thing to experience.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Miraculously Yours,


©2009-2011 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.




September, 2011

Hi my beautiful friend,

The month of August has forever changed the landscape of everything we once knew to be our reality. Absolutely nothing looks or feels the same anymore especially to those highly sensitive to energy. For many, the energies of August literally felt like a major a** kicking. Every last remnant of density we may have still been carrying has surfaced from the depths of our being, and has come up to be released once and for all. For those who may still not be prone to quickly adapting to change, these past few weeks may have felt especially taxing. We're now in a space that no longer offers us the luxury of dilly dallying when it comes to anything keeping us from operating from our heart center, and from being our most authentic selves. Many of us may have noticed it's pretty much next to impossible to be anything less than who we really know ourselves to be at our core. Dimming our light for any reason just can't happen anymore.

Right now the lessons, teachings, and gifts we were meant to learn from this lifetime and all other lifetimes, languages, levels, dimensions from our first point of conception are being learned at a highly accelerated rate. Remember the days when we were given the opportunity to learn our lessons over long drawn out periods of time? Thank goodness we are now able to process through our remaining lessons quickly. The sooner we learn the lessons we were meant to learn, the sooner we can shift out of the patterns keeping us from anchoring a higher state of consciousness. Even though at times we may feel the current changes are a little too much for us to handle, it's important to understand that our Spirit knew prior to coming into this physical existence that we would do everything in our power to re-member the Divine Magnificence within ourselves and others. And through this remembrance, we would usher in a highly evolved Universal society founded on love, kindness, and respect for all life.

Tying Up All Loose Ends

So, where are we energetically right now? Having just experienced a major releasing period on our journey, we now have the opportunity to tie up all the loose ends in our lives. We may notice people and circumstances from our past come back into our lives (if even for a brief moment) giving us the opportunity to fully resolve all discord, debts, vows, obligations, oaths, contracts, resentments, regrets, and any other imbalances that still needed tending keeping us from moving forward.

As we tie up all the loose ends in our lives, it's natural that we go through a re-evaluation of sorts to see what is really important to us going forward. Some ways this might manifest for many is through the realization that we are no longer in the environment, location, partnership, career, and situation best suited for us.

An awakening of deeply buried desires that where once very important for us to fulfill are coming back to the surface for us to connect with and bring into fruition. For many years, many of us ended up settling for relationships (with family, friends, partners), careers, and situations that required us to dim our light and sweep our own desires under the rug as if they did not exist. As we realize more and more that it's important to honor our truest desires, (which are also the desires of the Universe wanting to express more of itself through us) we will begin to see ourselves parting ways from the old reality we had settled for.


Contrary to what many of us may have read about 2012 being the time when the 'Great Shift' will occur, the SHIFT has and is actually happening right now. Everyone is feeling the change whether they are consciously aware of it or not. Similar to how a child waits with excitement for Christmas morning to arrive, those who have walked a conscious path for a long time are now feeling the same way about the new reality emerging.

With the anticipation of starting a brand new adventure comes a time of preparation. There are many ways we are being asked to prepare ourselves for our new adventures. Some of us may be feeling called to clean out and simplify our home and living environment. By clearing out and donating the things we no longer use, we create more room for new energies more in alignment with where we are at on our journey to enter our lives. Some of us may be re-committing ourselves to the spiritual practices such as meditation, physical activity, running energy, yoga, healing, music, and being in a community that we know grounds us in love. This will absolutely come in handy, because there's a great amount of fear being projected in all communities, even those of a spiritual nature. We may even notice that those who have served as strong anchors of love and truth in the past are finding themselves caught up in the fear due to 'scientific' & astrological findings that may be moving them out of their power.

It's important to remember that 'WE' are powerful beings and 'WE' together have the power to shift out of all fear-based timelines in an instant! There are millions of dedicated people right now who are holding the space for a graceful mass transition to occur into a higher collective state of consciousness. This absolutely counts for a significant amount of the current rapid physical and emotion shifts happening. Remember that all meteors, comets, planets, stars, oceans, Earths, etc... are reflections of Us. Just like any great fiction book, we know that sometimes drama is added as a form of excitement to keep us entertained. However, it doesn't have to be that way in our reality. We can have excitement in our lives without needing to create drama. Drama only prolongs us from being in a higher state of consciousness as a collective. There is a way to promote important information without provoking fear in others. It's all in the delivery and it can either promote or hinder us from moving forward. So, one of the greatest way to prepare ourselves for our new adventure is to keep anchoring ourselves in love.

Another way to prepare at this time is by making sure we are giving our bodies the proper nutrition it needs. Many of us are finding that boxed, canned, and processed foods no longer agree with us. A lot of these foods have been the culprits for constant headaches, stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and back, digestive issues, allergies, anxiety, chronic fatigue, etc... to occur for many. We can no longer put our bodies through the ringer and expect it to show up the way it always had prior. We are energetic beings, and our bodies are a reflection of where we are at energetically. When we feed our body with the nutrients that it needs in addition to the personal inner development we have committed ourselves to, we become fully prepared to ease into our very new adventures.


As we move through the months of September and October, solutions to many of our personal and global concerns will begin to make themselves present. The only requirement asked of us is to remain aware, open, and willing to work with ideas and concepts that up till now may have seemed out of reach or beyond the realm of human capability. I wanted to briefly touch on this in this forecast, and will be sharing more information on the specifics in the coming months.

In closing, no matter how noisy or unstable the world may seem at times, we can find comfort in knowing that we are never alone. We're all on this journey together fully supported by the Universe, and I'm honored to be sharing it with each of you.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Miraculously Yours,


©2009-2011 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


The Sparks Ignite

The Sparks Ignite
August 2011

Hi my amazing friend,

There is a great sense of anticipation and electricity in the air. We are right on the cusp of major global revelations that will make it even clearer we are moving towards a more open and united society. This means the old out-dated structures that have operated from a place of dishonesty and domination are quickly losing their grip over humanity. What we have and will continue to witness is the final efforts of systems trying to hold on to the ways of the past through fear. It’s imperative at this time that we look beyond the fear tactics constantly bombarding us. A great deal of these tactics comes from media outlets, and often seeps into our local communities (friends, family, colleagues) where the fear could seem very convincing to us. The key is to remember that all is unfolding in Divine perfect order. Soon, if it hasn’t already, it will become absolutely clear to the masses that all the current changes are playing their role as precursors to the new emerging heart-centered reality.

On a personal level, the anticipation we are experiencing right now is showing up in a few different ways. One of these ways may include feeling overwhelmed as a direct result of having so many things to do from little daily tasks to big projects we have chosen to accomplish. It could definitely feel a bit chaotic if we are not centering ourselves. In others, it could also show up as feeling restless to the point we think we’re not doing enough. Whichever we may be feeling, the best thing to do right now is to connect with the energy of ease and grace through our daily walks, meditation, playing, journaling, or anything else that helps to relax our mind, body, and spirit. The current energy of anticipation can make us feel a little ungrounded, so by choosing an activity that connects us with ease and grace we are sure to feel more settled and present.


What will continue to assist us in moving through the current and upcoming changes is to operate with compassion. True compassion is all inclusive. When we are able to show true compassion even to the structures, systems, and people that may have appeared to not have humanity’s highest interest at heart, we instantly remove our own personal resistance to allowing the new heart-centered reality to emerge more quickly.

True compassion instantly moves us out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness. Showing true compassion is being able to look past the stories we or others have created. When we are showing others compassion, we are recognizing them for who they really are. We are looking past the illusions and connecting with their Divine Self.

In order to show true compassion, it’s important to know and understand who we are. I share often that each one of us is a beautiful expression of the Omni Universe (also known as Source, Creator, Spirit, Love Energy) here to experience more of Itself in physical form. So, we are the micro of the macro. When we can remember this especially during those times we may want to quickly react from the old patterns of victim consciousness, we are showing true compassion. By showing compassion, we are holding a sacred space of true self remembrance for others to step into.

Revitalizing the Fire Within

Are you someone who may have been feeling exhausted and uninspired for awhile? Well, then you will welcome the fact that the current astrological energies are fully revitalizing the fire within us. How this manifests itself in our lives is through inspiration, drive, and renewed zest for life. In the coming days and weeks, we may notice that we’re receiving downloads of new ideas and insights contributing to the fulfillment of our deepest desires. It could show up in areas of creativity, career, relationships, personal development, or health. A simple process we can do at this time is to journal. Journaling allows us to create a simple outline of our thoughts, so that we can refer to them later on when we are ready to put these ideas into action.

Inspired Action

Due to the high amount of electric energy in the air at this time, we may feel an inner pull to take action towards bringing our visions into fruition. Before taking action, it’s important to understand which action to take.

There are two kinds of action: Inspired action and forced action. Forced action usually has the energy of control attached to it, which stems from a fear we may not be doing enough or lack of trust. So, what ends up happening is we put a great deal of pressure on ourselves to achieve which ends up pushing away the very thing we are trying to attract more of into our lives. Inspired action happens when we are in the flow, and it feels good and effortless. By taking inspired action, we are open and receptive to the opportunities around us affirming to Universe a resounding “Yes! We are willing to do our part in making our greatest life vision a reality.”

The Gift of Your Presence

Although there may appear to be a great deal of chaos all around the planet on many levels, our Spirit knew it could easily handle and transmute all of it into the highest vibrations of love. We’ve been gifted with an opportunity to be front and center to assist in Mother Earth’s transition into the higher realms. Every act of kindness that we show her and all her children elevates the process more quickly. The thing is, there were many Spirits waiting in the wings to have the rare opportunity we have right now of helping our beautiful Earth ascend, but we were the ones chosen. How blessed are we to be of service in such a monumental way? I’d say we are very blessed.

Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


©2009-2011 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


Creating Instant Magic

Creating Instant Magic

July 2011

Hi my beautiful friend,

Right this very minute we are being gifted an extraordinary opportunity to connect with an overflow of luminous higher frequencies pouring into every nook and cranny of our glorious planet! As mentioned in the last forecast, we've now glided through some noteworthy astrological happenings (triple Eclipses/ Solstice/ Solar Flares) that have launched us into a whole new space where our thoughts, ideas, dreams, & desires are quickly being alchemized into our physical experience.

Many of us are starting to palpably see that the time it takes for our thoughts to materialize themselves into our life has sped up drastically. It's no longer a hypothesis or wishful thinking, it's real, and it's happening now. The speeding up of time gives us absolute confirmation that all our hard work and dedication for choosing to live consciously and compassionately is paying off big time.

In the next few weeks & months, as even more people start to re-member who they really are and move out of the limiting conditions they've unconsciously created for themselves, time will continue to speed up until we as a collective breakthrough the barrier of what we've perceived as being linear time. Once we experience this collective breakthrough, we'll continue to move leaps and bounds in the direction of no-time, also known as the Eternal Present Moment.

Freedom to Choose

One thing many of us have come to know as being certain is that the Universe has always blessed us with the freedom of choosing our own personal experiences. If we are someone who is still looking the other way when it comes to accepting we are in fact the Creator of our life, we may find that we're still attracting a great deal of difficulty in our lives. Why? The reason is by not accepting that we are the Creators of our lives, we are giving our power away as we continue to prolong the archaic patterns of being a victim. When we are willing to take full responsibility for every experience in our lives, no matter how easy it may be to operate from a space of blame, we begin to empower ourselves. We begin to look at every experience as simply being feedback from the Universe. So, when we attract a circumstance into our lives that we don't necessarily resonate with, we can now just use it as feedback to make another choice: it's that simple. Wow, how much lighter does that feel for you? Being in this space, we find that we no longer need to over react to every seeming challenge. Instead, we begin to see these challenges as amazing opportunities to fine tune what we really do want to attract and experience more of in our lives.

Instant Resolutions

For awhile, especially in the past few months we may have also noticed that whatever seeming challenges we've been faced with, we've been able to move through them much more quickly. Whether it's an emotional trigger or a health imbalance, instead of taking weeks, months, and even years to resolve, now it's taking minutes, hours, and days.

What could be causing this shift? The current shift is a direct result of the tireless inner personal work we've been doing on ourselves for many years. Because we are all connected, a domino effect of sorts is happening. When just one person begins exploring a path to their truest Divine Self, a spark is triggered & a space is created for another person to awaken to their truest Divine Self.

The amount of light pouring into our planet as a direct result of the high solar activity and the ever expanding nature of the Universe is also a contributing factor to our ability to move through seeming challenges more easily. All these factors are raising the vibration of every living thing on the planet. In fact, we've already crossed over into a whole new realm where it's actually easier to focus on the magic and wonder around us, as opposed to the heavier vibrations we may have found comforting in the past. I'm sure we've noticed that it's almost impossible to remain in a space of doubt, worry, and fear for more than a short period of time. And for those still extremely comfortable in the old dense energies (only because it's familiar and feels safe to them), will soon begin to find it more tiring to remain in such vibrations.

The Key - Reuniting the Heart & Mind

The key to riding the amazing waves of high frequency at this time is to re-unite the mind with the heart. The idea is to let the heart lead and for the mind to follow. Of course, this can seem a bit challenging for the mind since it's been condition to always be in control. However, that's not to say we have to try to 'fight' against the mind or view it as something we have to move out of. These beliefs have been internalized into our subconscious for thousands of years by spiritual and religious teachings. Some of these teachings have preached to us to look down at the mind and ego. Even some of the most current well-known spiritual teachers still speak of getting rid of the mind/ego.

The challenge here is that when we try to 'get rid' of something, we are creating resistance against it, which actually gives the thing we're trying to get rid of more power. The reality is, the mind/ego at its core is a gift. Do you think the Universe that creates us in its perfect image would give us anything less than perfect? So, why would the ego/mind be anything less than perfect?

The original purpose of the ego was to be the observer of this third dimensional reality. Without it, we would not fully experience our sense of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. Our senses are pretty miraculous gifts to have, don't you think? However, over these thousands of years something seemed to shift with the role of the ego. Where as before it was about being the Divine Observer of our reality, we somehow ended up forgetting and moved into survival mode, so the ego's main objective became about survival. Then why are we trying to get rid of the ego?

The ego is like a 5 year child. That's usually the age a child thinks they know everything right? So, imagine a 5 year old child who thinks they know everything, is presented with a seeming challenge. That child is going to do what she/he knows best to protect herself/himself. That is exactly what the ego has been doing. It has been trying to protect us through doubt, worry, fear, stress, belief in lack, etc... because that's how it knows to keep us safe. Subsequently, instead of being so hard on ourselves that this is happening, we can now thank our ego/mind for trying to keep us safe the best way it knows how. The quicker we are able to move into this awareness, the less resistance we'll receive from our ego. Then, we can begin to make peace with our ego. We can begin to embrace it as being part of us. Soon enough, our ego will return back to its highest purpose of being the Divine Observer of our reality making it easy to allow the heart to lead and for the mind to follow. It's in the heart where eternal bliss resides.

Letting Go of inhibitions

Therefore, with all of that being shared, we can now give ourselves full permission to let down our energetic armor and embrace the magic happening all around us. It's officially time to come out of hiding and play instead. By playing more, we open ourselves back up to the magic and wonder happening all around us.

Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


©2009-2011 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.