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The Great Cosmic Balance Begins

Hi my amazing friend,

We have now collectively arrived to a monumental point of cosmic balance that is changing the landscape of how we co-create and live as a society forever. It is because of our continued willingness, effort, and dedication to doing our inner-work that such transformation is manifesting so quickly. The personal and global breakthroughs we are now co-creating is a cause for celebration!

Many of us have come to the understanding that if we want change to happen externally, we must start by going within ourselves first. Millions have now reached the awareness that each one of us IS in fact that Omni Universal Source/Creator Energy expressing more of its Divinity in physical form, literally meaning we are the micro of the macro. Wow, could it really be? Could it be that what we have been searching for has been us all along? Yes, yes, yes! It IS us, it has always been us, even though for so very long we were conditioned to believe otherwise!

Although many have yet to feel comfortable with the concept that we ARE all Source Energy, due to old out-dated fear based programming, they too will soon come to a similar realization. When this revelation becomes an innate knowing within a person, that's when the veil lifts and a new world is birthed. With the knowledge that we are all indeed Divine Source Energy, it becomes much easier to understand that we have the power to change the world by going within ourselves. We also no longer feel obligated to 'fight' to 'make' change happen.

The Great Cosmic Balance Begins
We are now experiencing a great cosmic balance between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

For millennia we have experienced a prominent patriarchal society, which through the forgetfulness of our Divinity manifested itself as a world with a heavy focus on control and fear. This is not what the true energy of the Divine Masculine represents. The patriarchal society we've lived in for so long is a manifestation of the forgetting process we chose to experience. Many of us now know that even though we chose to forget and experience the illusion of separation, our Soul would always remember and would lead us back to our original Divine Blueprint of the fully awakened beings we've always been.

The great cosmic balance between the Divine Feminine and Masculine is showing up in extraordinary ways. The most obvious manifestation is that any system or way of being still motivated by greed, control, or fear simply is unable to survive in our current progressive climate.

A great balance between Eastern/Western philosophy, the heart/mind, and science/spirituality are taking center stage, and are becoming a major focus in our consciousness. It will become even easier to see the shifting of balance in these areas, especially evident from now until March 2011.

The Divine Feminine is gently opening our heart and higher heart. Her growing presence is strengthening our ability to feel, trust, nurture, love, and connect with our intuition. Our intuition is the way our spirit (truest self) communicates with us. When we are following our intuition, we move back into the powerful Creators that we have always been, where nothing can ever hurt or harm us in anyway.

Intuition is not to be mistaken with Instinct. Instinct, although beneficial at times, is more about survival. If we are always in survival mode (for the most part motivated by a pattern of fear or lack), we usually feel a disconnection to the Source Energy inside and all around us. Being in survival mode at all times also puts a great deal of stress on the emotional and physical body, which leads to an imbalance in a person's state of wellbeing. That’s why meditation, breathing, creativity, music, and relaxation among many other processes are so important at this time, because strengthen the connection with our intuition and restore balance within our core being. Allowing ourselves to consistently be guided by our intuition ultimately means we are operating as Co-creators.

On a personal level, if you notice some old emotions come up to the surface during this time, there's no need to analyze or judge what's going on. In fact, I would invite you to be grateful that every last drop of energy that no longer serves your greatest good is coming up to the surface to be released. All we have to do is allow the process to unfold on its own. Most of the processing happens during our sleep state, so you'll probably notice your dreams are more vivid. Any other lessons we were meant to learn from any imbalances we personally and globally chose to experience are all being learned at lightning speed. No more dallying, we have a New Earth Consciousness to ground in and experience!


The balance entering our mass consciousness at this time is creating a solid foundation for the energy of Oneness to flourish as the default setting of our world. From this new yet eternal space of Oneness, creating the greatest vision of our individual and collective lives will become a joyous, easy, and miraculous daily experience: Many are already there. They have been holding the sacred space of Oneness for the world to step into for decades.

The Great Cosmic Balance has begun. The time is now.

Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


©2010 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided.


Letting Go and Letting Love

October 11th, 2010

Hi my extraordinary friends,

Have you ever seen those movies with epic farewell scenes where we see the star of the film depart on some form of grand transportation such as a ship, train, or plane that we know is about to take them to an adventure like nothing they've ever experienced before? As the stars nostalgically gaze out one last time to the place they've called home for so long, we sense the mixed emotions of excitement and heavy-heartedness they feel as they reflect back and say goodbye to a world they've known for so long. What we are experiencing right now is very similar to these epic farewell scenes.

What are we saying farewell to?

In the month of October, we will internally be guided to tie up the loose ends in our lives that still need resolution and closure. Whether it's mending a strained relationship, paying off old debts, and releasing the out-dated fears, worries, stresses, doubts, grudges, judgments, guilt, and any other similar illusions we've bought into and internalized for so long, now is the time to make the effort to resolve them and move into vibrations aligned with the current positive flow of the Universe. If we are struggling with how to move out of these energies, it's important to allow ourselves to be present and still enough to clearly hear the guidance we receive from our intuition. We can do this by going inside ourselves, rather than always looking outside for the answers. Our intuition is one of the greatest gifts we've been given, and always steers us towards a life filled with ultimate joy, love, and fulfillment.

By now, most of us have noticed that everything around and within us is rapidly changing. A few months ago, I mentioned that we would soon begin to hear about scientific breakthroughs, and that we would also begin to see a collapse of the old worn out structures and systems still focused on promoting the energy of fear, separation, and limitation. This is exactly what we are presently witnessing happen all around us.

In September (although it has been common knowledge behind the scenes for many years now) it was released that a 'new' planet has been 'discovered' which scientists named the Goldilocks planet. The planet was given this name because it appears to have the perfect environment to support and promote the existence of life similar to planet Earth. This might seem like old news to many who have been on a conscious path. However, the fact that science is quickly finding and supporting the same Quantum Concepts many of us have known to be true for so long, and sharing them through mainstream global media outlets is something to celebrate! These new discoveries along with the continued clearing process happening all over the planet are a direct result of the rapidly raising consciousness on our planet.

Of course when old out-dated systems collapse and a brand new world emerges, the first instinct of many is to panic as they move into survival and holding on for dear life mode. For many people, that is exactly where they are right now, especially those still carrying heavy fear-based religious programming. Until a person is ready, they will remain in this space until they receive the blessings and lessons they were meant to learn from the experience. Once the lessons are learned, the person will move into the next part of the evolutionary process which involves surrendering all the misconceptions and fear based thought patterns they bought into for so long. When we can truly move into a space of surrender, we ease into the knowing that life is for us not against us, and anything that made us believe otherwise slowly begins to dissolve.

Right now, within people all around the world we are seeing a great deal of turbulence, anger, and separation. We're seeing all of these energies come to the surface as part of the clearing process. This is more than understandable since what many people have come to know to be their reality for so long is quickly dissipating. It's like lifting the rug from underneath someone. Again this is all just temporary due the powerful influx of energies that have been anchoring into our planet and raising our vibration as a whole over the past few decades. Instead of buying into the fear that is being projected all around us, know that when change occurs it's natural that many are shaken out of their comfort levels and no longer feel safe in the old patterns they once new. So, with this understanding, we can have more compassion towards those experiencing this turbulence in their lives right now, trusting that they are exactly where they need to be on their journey. In fact, it gives us great confirmation that we are indeed moving through a massive shift in consciousness. Do you remember when you first started your journey into becoming more conscious? It took time for you to integrate and progress into the awareness that you have today. This is the same thing others need to also go through and figure out on their own, and that's why we will lovingly be here for them through the process.

With each passing day, we are remembering more and more of who we are and what we are here to experience. We are coming to the full understanding that we are here to experience more of our truest self, a being of ultimate love and joy in physical form here to create and experience more of our true selves, and this realization takes a bit getting used to.

The love quotient magnifies!

“Love” is who we've always been and who we'll always be. It's that Life Force Energy that moves through the trees, the planets, stars, animals, you, me, everything! Love knows no condition, limitation, and has no personality, it just is.

In the month of October, the love quotient on earth will drastically begin to magnify as it carries away the remaining remnants of the dense fog-like energies we've experienced over the past year. Much of this is a result of the diligent personal inner-work and the holding of a sacred unconditional loving space that many people around the world (Loveworkers/ Lightworkers) have been doing for decades. What once began with a small group of people holding this space of love for the masses with the intention for everyone to eventually step into, has now escaladed to the physical manifestation of millions of people around the world coming together as a united society. Have you noticed how there is no tolerance for discrimination of gender, race, culture, and sexual orientation any more the way it used to be? It's pretty miraculous to witness this coming together of all walks of life with the common desire to love and respect one another as we have always meant to do.

As the love quotient magnifies within and all around us, it's normal to experience feelings of emptiness, sadness, heart palpitations, or grief for no apparent reason as part of the releasing process. Soon enough, those energies will become distant
The trains, ships, and planes taking us on our next adventure are officially underway full speed ahead, and soon enough we will arrive in our brand new destinations where love, joy, and miracles can come out and play full time with no more distractions!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,



You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with others as you feel guided!

©2010 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights Reserved


The Fog Clears

Hi my beautiful friend,

I'm so excited to connect with you as we have a great deal to catch up on! Are you noticing the textures, colors, sights, and sounds around you? Does something seem different about it all, as though you are in a completely foreign place, even though geographically everything still looks the same?

Something amazing is happening right now that can best be described as a lifting of dense fog-like energy that has been with many of us (especially those who have been on a diligent path of self-expansion and self-awareness) for years. Although this fog has been quite draining for many, it too has provided us with many gifts and blessings that have brought us to a higher state of consciousness and understanding.

During this fog-like dream, on occasion we were given the opportunity to experience a few bright sunshine-filled days where everything seemed to align Divinely, allowing us to catch a few glimpses of the bliss awaiting us in the near times ahead. Days like these re-ignited just enough motivation and faith within us to continue focusing on our personal expansion and progressive movement forward. The exciting thing about where we are at now energetically is that the fog-like dream is quickly dissolving and the sunshine-filled days will soon be taking center stage full time.

During the Summer (Winter in the Southern Hemisphere), many of us started receiving clearer insights and ideas to the progressive direction we are heading in personally and globally, and began to set our intentions as we planted the seeds to the next chapters of our lives. In these coming months, our intentions will rapidly begin to manifest into physical form, showing up in our daily lives as though out of thin air. It's important to continue being mindful of all the opportunities and synchronicities that continually present themselves to us, no matter how small or large they seem. One of the most prominent manifestations we'll see in the coming year is the coming together of millions of people from all walks of life, religions, and cultures with the intention to create a more peaceful world as we put aside our differences.

At this point, many of us have realized that our transformation process has massively been upgraded literally rocking each one of us to the core, clearing every last drop of disillusionment and anything else keeping us from embodying our most authentic selves. Have you noticed how difficult it is to be anything other than your most authentic self at this time? If you are someone who is still experiencing a great deal of difficulty in your life, just use that as feedback to see if you are allowing the most authentic part of yourself to be expressed fully. For the most part, when we reflect back at who we were being at the beginning of this year and who we are being right now, we will immediately notice how

far we've really come and how much we've grown and transformed.

In these few months leading up to the new year, we will find ourselves experiencing more comfort and ease in our transformation process. A sense of peace, calm, and balance will become more prominent in our daily experience, far different than the crazy roller-coaster ride we've experienced pretty much since the beginning of the year. This is a wonderful time to make it our priority to do what brings us the most joy, because frankly we deserve it as it's long overdue! Taking some time to relax and rest as we enjoy ourselves, our loved ones, and our surroundings will gracefully glide us into the next magical chapter of our lives! Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with others as you feel guided!

©2010 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights Reserved


Grounding It All In!

Hi my miraculous friend,

Are you sensing the electricity in the air? Many of us have been processing some profound inner transformation due to all the extraordinary celestial happenings this summer which included two eclipses, quite a few powerful astrological alignments, the summer solstice, and of course the abundance of solar flares that have poured into our atmosphere and continue to do so.

For many of us, this powerful combination of events has served to peel off even the deepest layers that have been preventing us from being our most authentic self. With all these layers being cleared away so fast, it's absolutely normal that many of us might feel burnt out with almost no energy left, maybe even feeling like we've been put through the ringer.

Although many of us are still processing through this heavy releasing phase for the next few weeks, we are now moving into the next chapter of our lives which is all about anchoring and grounding into physical form, the manifestation of all the inner-work we've faithfully done on ourselves over the past few years. This inner-work has served to remind us of who we really are and what our lives are really about, which is to experience Ultimate Joy and to reconnect with our Truest Divine Nature.

Prior to entering this physical experience, we knew that we would go through all the challenges of forgetting who we really were, so that we can evolve and remember who we have always known ourselves to be on a deeper level, Divine Beautiful Spiritual Beings of Love, experiencing more of ourselves in physical form.

Grounding it all in:

Right now, we are in a time of major grounding. Grounding moves us into the present moment, which transcends all time and space and reconnects us to our core essence. With this awareness, that getting fully present allows us to transcend time, we can easily manifest into physical form our deepest and truest desires with ease and grace. Some amazing ways to ground at this time are to connect with nature by sitting in the grass, placing our feet in the soil of Mother Earth, and feeling the warmth of the sun on our skin. Getting fully present in our five senses, being grateful, and being of service are also extraordinary ways to ground.

Recognizing the freedom in grounding:

For many, the idea of grounding may feel a bit constricting, because of the misconception that grounding means we have to be fixed or inflexible in some way. Because of this, especially in many of the spiritual communities, there tends to be a strong focus on looking outside one's self for some thing to save us, almost like an escape. What this does, is move us out of our power and into victim consciousness.

When we recognize the value and importance of grounding by getting present through sacred processes such as gratitude, connecting with nature, being of service to ourselves and others, among many other things we can do, we begin to understand how much of a gift our lives are, and how privileged each of us are to be here on this planet during this unprecedented, and historic time. We begin to recognize how miraculous it is that we get to experience our five senses through our gifts of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch; things that many of us might be taking for granted. When we recognize what grounding really means, then we understand that grounding leads to freedom which ultimately moves us back into our Divine Power.

As we continue to release the layers that no longer serve us personally, we also do the same globally. There has been and will continue to be a great deal of distraction through media outlets to 'keep us busy' from doing our inner-work, however if we focus on our grounding, we naturally disconnect ourselves from buying into the distractions preventing us from stepping into our Greatest Most Divine Selves. And if for some reason, we do find our selves buying into the distractions, we can use this time as a wonderful opportunity to send Unconditional Love back to all the distractions being shared with us through the media outlets.

With an open heart comes an open mind, where a world of beauty, joy, and miracles can play in their full glory. This is the direction we are already moving in, and together we are quickly birthing a Divine Miraculous New World into physical form full steam ahead!

With deepest gratitude,

Miraculously yours,

Emmanuel Dagher

You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with others as you feel guided!

©2010 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights Reserved


The Passion Returns!

Hi my extraordinary friend! Has feeling unmotivated these past few months been a common theme in your life? Many of us have probably not felt like our self at all lately! If you have been experiencing this, not to worry as it has merely been a physical manifestation of the major energetic processing we've been experiencing on the cellular level from all the astrological alignments and solar energy waves we have been receiving pretty much on a daily basis!

Although all these alignments are exciting and are vastly moving us forward as a united people, it can get a bit wearing on the body, mind, and psyche. When we are feeling tired physically and emotionally, it's our body and mind's way of reminding us that they need to relax, so that we can integrate with the energy shifts and rejuvenate to an even more optimum state than before! Isn't it just amazing how divinely intelligent our bodies really are? If we step back for a moment and just observe, it's absolutely miraculous!

So, where are we in this now moment? We are in a time where our deepest passions in the most creative, personal, spiritual, and even business oriented aspects of our lives are re-awakening and taking center stage again. If you are not feeling motivated yet, you will soon begin to feel like the fire within you has been lit. You will notice a great deal of the distractions you were experiencing these past few months quickly dissolve, clearing the way for you to start focusing on sharing and bringing your gifts into the world again, and this time it will feel even more graceful than before. If you are feeling that inner pull to take inspired an action, then it's very important to honor this nudge within you at this time! A great idea is to keep a journal near you at all times so that you can readily write down any inspired ideas and creative insights that will serve as a guide to anchoring the next chapter of your visions for your life!

During this time, we might also notice in our lives and in the lives of those around us that many chapters that needed resolution and closure will happen. This closure could manifest in areas of relationships, career, sending a child off to school, cleaning and simplifying our physical space, and finally healing physical and/or emotional ailments that until now just weren't ready to let go. With these chapters of our lives receiving closure, other brand new and exciting chapters begin.

On a global level, watch for a progressive shift in the world's monetary system in the next few months, one that I know many of us have been sensing and waiting to manifest for quite some time. Just know that with these changes, a new more integrity-based system will soon follow. It's very important at this time for each one of us to go within, breathe, and quiet ourselves from the outside world (news, gossip, dramatic TV programs) as these are just forms of distractions that prolong what we know is the eminent emergence of the new peaceful and heart-centered world. When we turn off the outside noise as much as possible, we quickly align back with the highest and most gentle path for us, which makes life a much more joyous and miraculous experience.

Remember that as we are processing all the current influx of energies, deeply rooted wounds and belief systems that no longer serve us will come up to the surface to be released. Sometimes these seeming obstacles or issues seem so real we begin to identify with them, maybe even thinking all the inner work we've done on ourselves hasn't paid off, however I want to invite you to look at these seeming challenges as blessings when they arise within you, because now you know that this only means they are ready to be released once and for all. An important part of this process is to be willing to give yourself permission to let these energies go. It's in the instant recognition of this releasing process that we free ourselves completely of all that no longer serves us, and moves us back into the awareness that we are each a physical manifestation of Unconditional Love!

With deepest heart-felt gratitude,

Miraculously yours,


©2010 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights Reserved

You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with others as you feel guided!