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Letting Go of Rejection

Rejection only exists when we believe we are lacking something we don't already have.

There's nothing we ever need from anyone or anything outside of ourselves to be happy and fulfilled.

If we are finding that we are feeling rejected in anyway, it's only because the mind believed (usually a learned behavior passed down to us from our ancestors) it had to give its power away to the person, group or experience it thinks is doing the rejecting.

There will be many situations that lead us to believe we 'lost' or 'missed out' on something.

It could be a job we applied for, a group of friends forgetting to invite us to an event we would have loved to attend, a cold shoulder from a loved one, or a "no, we're going to pass on that" when we bravely put ourselves, and our creative work out in the world.

However, when we realize that WE are the Source of our blessings, rather than any outside circumstance, and we find that our mind wants to identify with feelings of being rejected, we can clearly understand that it's only because we have chosen in that moment to reject ourselves. It never had to do with anyone or anything outside of us.

Knowing this, we are empowered to realize that rejection can ONLY occur when we are not fully loving, honor and giving to ourselves.

So, rather than feel defeated when we find that the mind wants to identify with rejection when it's being presented to us, we simply view it as a call to action and an opportunity to love up on ourselves even more.

When we decide to have our own back, and set time aside daily to love ourselves and our inner child, we will no longer find ourselves needing to hide in order to stay safe from being rejected.

We will also find that what others think of us no longer has the same power it once had over us. It may sting for a moment when it happens, but then it will just roll off our shoulders.

This is real freedom. This is us allowing ourselves to shine as bright and as BIG as we desire to, without ever holding back an ounce of the magic of who we truly are.

We all deserve to free ourselves of rejection in this way.


Artist: Unknown

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