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Honoring the Law of Circulation

Hi my friend,

If you've ever found yourself in lack or judgment of someone who charges for their services, especially if they work in the healing and wellness arts, here's some awareness that may support you tremendously, and open you up to receive all of life's blessings.

There is a spiritual law in the Universe called The Law of Circulation.

This is one of the most powerful laws that governs this Universe, and has to do with aligning ourselves with the vibration of giving and receiving energy in a balanced way.

When someone offers a service, it's about the amount of abundance of time, energy, dedication and effort they are putting into both refining their skills in the service they are offering, and also for the actual time, energy and effort they are giving to the person receiving the service from them.

In the case of those in the healing, wellness and creative arts... they are often met with people who may not necessarily have awareness around all of the time, energy, dedication and effort that it took for them to even get to a place where they are ready to offer their services.

This approach often makes the person offering the service feel that it's okay for the them to keep giving everything away for free, and not receive any form of exchange for it. Subconsciously this also makes them devalue what they have to offer, because it isn't celebrate by society the way other jobs are.

The recipient of the service also ends up having an entitled idea that the giver owes them something, without even thinking that a form of exchange in return is important or something that needs to be honored.

This entitled behavior often comes from deep religious, cultural and historical programming that views those who work in the healing, wellness and creative arts as people who should offer theirs services for free, because that makes them more spiritual or connected to God.

What these old programs are actually doing is reinforcing the following:

1. That there's not enough in the Universe for everyone.

2. It immediately has us look at someone in the field of healing, well-being and creative arts as someone who is less than us, and/or not good enough. (This often becomes subconscious.)

3. When we view someone as being less than and/or not good enough, we no longer are able to recognize the true value in what they have to offer. So whatever benefits that come with that, would be lost on the person receiving.

4. The experience of the Law of Circulation becomes off balance for both the giver and taker, which takes a toll on both parties making them eventually have to a pay a price for the imbalanced exchange in some way. This usually happens in a not so enjoyable and expansive way.

5. By dis-empowering others, we dis-empower ourselves.

Once we learn that life is about the balance of giving and receiving energy, everything opens up for us in extraordinary ways.

It's so important to honor the quality of being generous and give things away freely without attachments from time to time.

For me personally, it's one of the things I live for, and I do it as often as I can.

However, it's also important for us to give others the opportunity to give to us, because that is us giving to ourselves. If we are not giving to ourselves, there's no way we can allow others to give anything to us.

It's important to create a healthy energy exchange so that our experience of the Law of Circulation is balanced and a rewarding experience for all those who are involved.

When a balanced exchange occurs, the person receiving from the person giving actually honors and values what they are receiving from them even more.

When we honor and value a service that is in the healing, wellness and creative arts, we also open ourselves up to receiving the magical gift from it fully and completely.

If you are finding yourself in lack, know that it's not your fault.

We've been conditioned to believe that there is not enough for everyone, and that there are only those who must give give give or those who must only take take take.

Rather than only be one or the other, finding a healthy balance between both giving and receiving will help us heal, thrive and prosper beyond our wildest imagination.

The next time you see someone in the healing, well-being and creative arts put themselves out there by offering a service they worked so hard to put together, whether or not you decide to work with them, be willing to celebrate them by sending them love and acknowledgment.

They are offering extraordinary work that most humanity has not had the courage to step into doing for themselves yet.

Champion them whether it be out loud or quietly from your heart.

This will help to heal the old programs for the collective that had us ever believing that any one job or service is better or valuable than another.

With love,

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