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Expanding Your Abundance

My friend,

If you're tapping into the experience of lack, here's a process that can help you expand out of it.

Step 1: Be willing to understand that life is happening through you, not to you.

Meaning, you are remembering that you're not a helpless bystander, but rather that you are the Universe in form and awareness here to continue expanding.

Step 2: Focus on your sense of sight, and for 1 minute contemplate on the idea that your eyes are the eyes of the Universe getting to see more of itself as you look around at the colors and shapes all around you = expansion.

Step 3: Focus on your sense of hearing, and for 1 minute contemplate on the idea that your ears are the ears of the Universe getting to hear more of itself as you listen to all of the sounds around you = expansion.

Step 4: Focus on your sense of taste, and for 1 minute contemplate on the idea that your mouth is the mouth of the Universe getting to taste more of itself = expansion.

Step 5: Focus on your sense of smell, and for 1 minute contemplate on the idea that your nose is the nose of the Universe getting to smell more of itself as you notice the fragrant scents around you = expansion.

Step 6: Focus on your sense of touch, and for 1 minute contemplate on the idea that your body sensors are the sensors of the Universe getting to touch more of itself as you feel the textures around you = expansion.

By the time you go through 1 cycle of these 6 steps, the mind will have awakened new paths within itself that help it more easily tap into and align with the frequency of abundance, which is just us tapping into more of our true nature.

I invite you to work with this process every day for the next 21 days, and notice how much more abundant and expanded you will be and feel.




Letting Go of Rejection

Rejection only exists when we believe we are lacking something we don't already have.

There's nothing we ever need from anyone or anything outside of ourselves to be happy and fulfilled.

If we are finding that we are feeling rejected in anyway, it's only because the mind believed (usually a learned behavior passed down to us from our ancestors) it had to give its power away to the person, group or experience it thinks is doing the rejecting.

There will be many situations that lead us to believe we 'lost' or 'missed out' on something.

It could be a job we applied for, a group of friends forgetting to invite us to an event we would have loved to attend, a cold shoulder from a loved one, or a "no, we're going to pass on that" when we bravely put ourselves, and our creative work out in the world.

However, when we realize that WE are the Source of our blessings, rather than any outside circumstance, and we find that our mind wants to identify with feelings of being rejected, we can clearly understand that it's only because we have chosen in that moment to reject ourselves. It never had to do with anyone or anything outside of us.

Knowing this, we are empowered to realize that rejection can ONLY occur when we are not fully loving, honor and giving to ourselves.

So, rather than feel defeated when we find that the mind wants to identify with rejection when it's being presented to us, we simply view it as a call to action and an opportunity to love up on ourselves even more.

When we decide to have our own back, and set time aside daily to love ourselves and our inner child, we will no longer find ourselves needing to hide in order to stay safe from being rejected.

We will also find that what others think of us no longer has the same power it once had over us. It may sting for a moment when it happens, but then it will just roll off our shoulders.

This is real freedom. This is us allowing ourselves to shine as bright and as BIG as we desire to, without ever holding back an ounce of the magic of who we truly are.

We all deserve to free ourselves of rejection in this way.


Artist: Unknown


Honoring the Law of Circulation

Hi my friend,

If you've ever found yourself in lack or judgment of someone who charges for their services, especially if they work in the healing and wellness arts, here's some awareness that may support you tremendously, and open you up to receive all of life's blessings.

There is a spiritual law in the Universe called The Law of Circulation.

This is one of the most powerful laws that governs this Universe, and has to do with aligning ourselves with the vibration of giving and receiving energy in a balanced way.

When someone offers a service, it's about the amount of abundance of time, energy, dedication and effort they are putting into both refining their skills in the service they are offering, and also for the actual time, energy and effort they are giving to the person receiving the service from them.

In the case of those in the healing, wellness and creative arts... they are often met with people who may not necessarily have awareness around all of the time, energy, dedication and effort that it took for them to even get to a place where they are ready to offer their services.

This approach often makes the person offering the service feel that it's okay for the them to keep giving everything away for free, and not receive any form of exchange for it. Subconsciously this also makes them devalue what they have to offer, because it isn't celebrate by society the way other jobs are.

The recipient of the service also ends up having an entitled idea that the giver owes them something, without even thinking that a form of exchange in return is important or something that needs to be honored.

This entitled behavior often comes from deep religious, cultural and historical programming that views those who work in the healing, wellness and creative arts as people who should offer theirs services for free, because that makes them more spiritual or connected to God.

What these old programs are actually doing is reinforcing the following:

1. That there's not enough in the Universe for everyone.

2. It immediately has us look at someone in the field of healing, well-being and creative arts as someone who is less than us, and/or not good enough. (This often becomes subconscious.)

3. When we view someone as being less than and/or not good enough, we no longer are able to recognize the true value in what they have to offer. So whatever benefits that come with that, would be lost on the person receiving.

4. The experience of the Law of Circulation becomes off balance for both the giver and taker, which takes a toll on both parties making them eventually have to a pay a price for the imbalanced exchange in some way. This usually happens in a not so enjoyable and expansive way.

5. By dis-empowering others, we dis-empower ourselves.

Once we learn that life is about the balance of giving and receiving energy, everything opens up for us in extraordinary ways.

It's so important to honor the quality of being generous and give things away freely without attachments from time to time.

For me personally, it's one of the things I live for, and I do it as often as I can.

However, it's also important for us to give others the opportunity to give to us, because that is us giving to ourselves. If we are not giving to ourselves, there's no way we can allow others to give anything to us.

It's important to create a healthy energy exchange so that our experience of the Law of Circulation is balanced and a rewarding experience for all those who are involved.

When a balanced exchange occurs, the person receiving from the person giving actually honors and values what they are receiving from them even more.

When we honor and value a service that is in the healing, wellness and creative arts, we also open ourselves up to receiving the magical gift from it fully and completely.

If you are finding yourself in lack, know that it's not your fault.

We've been conditioned to believe that there is not enough for everyone, and that there are only those who must give give give or those who must only take take take.

Rather than only be one or the other, finding a healthy balance between both giving and receiving will help us heal, thrive and prosper beyond our wildest imagination.

The next time you see someone in the healing, well-being and creative arts put themselves out there by offering a service they worked so hard to put together, whether or not you decide to work with them, be willing to celebrate them by sending them love and acknowledgment.

They are offering extraordinary work that most humanity has not had the courage to step into doing for themselves yet.

Champion them whether it be out loud or quietly from your heart.

This will help to heal the old programs for the collective that had us ever believing that any one job or service is better or valuable than another.

With love,


Honoring the Healer

Those who have chosen to answer the call to serve humanity through the healing arts, do it because the healing arts chose them.

On many occasions, these people resist this inner call because it isn't fully honored and valued, especially in society fully just yet.

For those who live and breath sacred healing work, it has never been about anything other than honoring their deep inner call to serve humanity.

Humanity as a whole still greatly undervalues the healing arts as a result of the misconceptions they still carry due to deep subconscious religious and cultural programming.

The idea that a 'healing' service should be free, is stemmed from the old ideology that one show give away everything they have and live in poverty, if they desire to offer their service of healing and support to humanity. They think that it will bring them closer to their 'God' by doing this. Which actually, is the complete opposite of what's happening.

Empaths usually fall into this pattern the most, because they desire to please everyone around them, and tend to forget to nurture and take care of themselves. They end up giving and giving, and forgetting to replenish themselves.

Although it is important to offer our gifts of healing service for free from time to time when we feel guided to, it is also important to embrace the human experience and participate in one of the most important principles of the Universe, known as the Principle of Circulation.

The Principle of Circulation reminds us to create a state of balance in our energy exchanges with the people, places, and the experiences around us.

An energy exchange doesn't always have to be monetary based. However, it is important for some form of mutual exchange to occur so that the experience of circulation can be honored. The Principle of Circulation is one of the foundations that shapes the Universe, so when it is being honored, life becomes much more full and enjoyable.

When an exchange of mutually agreed energy occurs between 2 people, not only are they honoring each other, they are honoring themselves which allows them to receive so much more out of the whole experience.

For example, when someone receives something for free, it can feel wonderful in that moment, even like an instant high.

However, if they continue to only 'take' and are not partaking in some time of balanced energy exchange in their lives, a part of their primal mind will not fully value the gift they just received. They often end up dis-guarding or not using the offering they received, because again a part of them just doesn't see it as valuable anymore.

Until someone is fully aware of the importance of an energy exchange, they will continue to live in a world of lack, self-entitlement and unhappiness because they are simply unwilling to partake in the exchange of energy in a balanced way.

Imagine what it would feel like to always take without giving back. Eventually, a person will become immune to the 'high' they get from receiving because the balance of giving is not there. Then, nothing ever becomes enough for them.

If you're feeling the energy of lack, it's simply because there is an imbalance in your circulation.

Many who have chosen to walk the path of helping others through the healing arts struggle with allowing themselves to receive as much as they give. This too creates lots of survival-based behaviors that leads to lack, fear and unhappiness.

We can honor these experience, but we just don't need to keep re-creating them anymore.

In the case of the healing arts, it's not the healing itself that one is asking to receive an energy exchange for, it's the amount of time, energy, preparation, resources, (often money you put in) and work one is placing into the gift of their service and offerings to others.

These things must be honored and valued. First and foremost by ourselves so that we can set the tone for others to do the same.

Healing and transformation work is a calling. We don't often go out searching to do it, it summons us.

More and more people are waking up to the awareness that the healing arts are a big part of our future. The healing arts are the technology that will support us in receiving a whole and complete experience of well-being, rather than just receiving a temporary fix or band-aid.

The first step to receiving a healing experience is to recognize how sacred, valuable and important it is. This can be fully realized by honoring those who we receive support, nourishment, and healing from. We do this through a balanced exchange of energy.

If we find ourselves judging those who offer healing services and desiring to receive a balanced exchange for it, it actually has nothing to do with them. We are ultimately judging ourselves because we are choosing to be in lack.

We all deserve to heal, and we all have the power to heal ourselves. Sometimes a little extra support from others can help us remember how to come back to this knowing.

The days of judging those who offer their healing services for a balanced form of energy exchange are winding down. It serves no one, and keeps people from actually healing. There's just no use for it anymore.

A person who only desires to take without giving back, is a person who is choosing to be in lack. Just the same, a person who only desires to give and not receive is also a person who is choosing to be in lack. The imbalance in energy exchange is one of the top reasons why many are not open and aware of the abundant blessings the Universe always has available to us.

Honor those who nourish and support others through the healing arts. They are helping to lead us into a brighter and more enriching future.




Healing the Pattern of Witholding Love

Withholding love from ourselves and others is the mind's way of separating itself from Spirit.

The mind uses this coping method to protect itself, or to get what it thinks it wants through patterns of manipulation and punishment, which at the root is just the mind's desire for attention and to be right.

Withholding love is a survival-based approach that is unnatural to our Spirit.

That's why if you've ever had a friend, family member or partner that does this, it can feel even more excruciating than verbal or even physical abuse.

The reason why it feels so unnatural is because it stems from the mind choosing fear over love.

Fear is an illusion created by the mind to keep itself structured, organized and protected.

Withholding love is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to trying to create and maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves and others, because it directly touches on most people's biggest fears—guilt, shame, unworthiness, failure, and rejection.

Love is our natural state. Love never withholds anything from itself. EVER.

Kindness, compassion, care, open communication, warmth, support, and connection are not designed to be conditional things we have to 'earn' from ourselves or our loved ones. If they are being withheld, it could be time to reassess if we desire to continue experiencing this kind of behavior (whether its coming from our mind or from those around us.)

The pattern of withholding love can be resolved when we and those around us allow ourselves to fully be honest with what we truly desire, and express it openly rather than hide or keep things bottled up inside.

When it comes to a relationship with a love one, we can even go further and make it clear that the relationship will have to end in its current format, if they don't start honoring, respecting and communicating with you from a place of love and compassion.

Withholding love cannot continue forward into the new heart-centered Earth we are co-creating.

Where there is love, life flourishes. And EVERYONE deserves to live and enjoy life to the fullest.

With all my heart,